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dc.contributor.advisorAvendaño, Ariel
dc.contributor.authorGallo, Verónica del Valle.
dc.descriptionTesis - Maestría en Salud Mental - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Facultad de Psicología, 2019es
dc.description.abstractObjetivo: Analizar el nivel de estigma internalizado en personas que consumen sustancias psicoactivas y que realizan tratamiento de rehabilitación en Instituto de Prevención del Alcoholismo y la Drogadicción, dependiente del Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico de la provincia de Córdoba. Método: Para el presente trabajo de investigación se realizó un estudio de alcance observacional, descriptivo y de tipo transversal. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística, de tipo intencional dirigida a captar una cuota de 120 pacientes, con diagnóstico de abuso y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas, de acuerdo a las clasificaciones internacionales (CIE X, DSM IV), mayores de 18 años y que se encuentren bajo tratamiento de rehabilitación por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en una institución pública. El instrumento utilizado fue el Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) adaptado previamente para ser utilizado en esta población. Resultados: El 95% de los entrevistados fueron varones y el 5 % mujeres. La edad media fue de 37,3 (DE 12,6) años, no encontrándose diferencia significativa en la media de edad de mujeres y varones. Los años de educación formal tuvieron una media de 10,6 (DE 4,1) años. La edad media de inicio en el consumo de sustancias fue a los 19,4 (DE 0,83) años; mientras que el tiempo medio en tratamiento por consumo de sustancias que declararon los pacientes fue de 4 meses. La situación conyugal fue mayormente solteros 48,5%, en relación al 34,7% con estado civil casados, 14,9% separados y/o divorciados y 12,1% en estado de viudez. En cuanto al estigma internalizado de las 5 dimensiones del instrumento utilizado en su conjunto, el 26,73% experimentan un estigma internalizado de nivel leve, 41,58 % un estigma internalizado de nivel moderado, 15,84% un estigma internalizado de nivel severo y 15,84% de los sujetos no muestran estigma internalizado Además se observaron mayores indicadores de estigma en pacientes que declararon consumir sólo alcohol, que los pacientes que declararon policonsumo. Conclusiones: El estigma internalizado es una problemática frecuente entre las personas que consumen sustancias psicoactivas, aunque puede tener mayor severidad en las personas que consumen sólo alcohol siendo naturalizado dicho consumo en nuestro contexto
dc.description.abstractObjective: To analyze the level of internalized stigma in people who consume psychoactive substances and who are aunder rehabilitation treatment in the Institute of Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, dependent of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital of the province of Córdoba. Methods: The study was observational, descriptive and cross-sectional. It was a nonprobabilistic, intentional sample, aimed at survey a quota of 120 patients, with diagnosis of abuse and dependence on psychoactive substances, according to the IDC X and DSM IV, over 18 years old and under rehabilitation treatment for the consumption of psychoactive substances in a public institution. The assessment instrument was the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) previously adapted to be used in this population. Results: 95% of the interviewees were male and 5% were female. The mean age was 37.3 (SD 12.6) years, with no significant difference in the mean age between genders. The years of formal education had a meanof 10.6 (SD 4.1) years. The mean age of onset of substance use was 19.4 (SD 0.83) years; while the mean time under treatment for substance use declared by the patients was 4 months. The marital status was mostlysingle (48.5%), 34.7% was married, 14.9% was separated or divorced, and 12.1% was widow. Regarding the internalized stigma, 26.73% experienced a mild level of internalized stigma, 41.58% a moderate level, 15.84% a severe level and 15.84% of the subjects do not showedinternalized stigma. Higher indicators of stigma were observed in patients who reported consuming only alcohol, than patients who reported polydrug use. Conclusions: Internalized stigma is a frequent problem among people who consume psychoactive substances, although it may be more severe in people who consume only alcohol, since this consumption is naturalized in this sociocultural context.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International*
dc.sourceGallo V del V. Estigma y salud mental : Evaluación del nivel de estigma en personas que consumen sustancias psicoactivas [Internet]. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; 2019 [citado el 5 de marzo de 2020]. Disponible en:
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINEes
dc.subjectEstigma Sociales
dc.subjectConsumidores de Drogases
dc.subjectSalud Mentales
dc.subjectTrastornos Relacionados con Sustanciases
dc.titleEstigma y salud mental: evaluación del nivel de estigma en personas que consumen sustancias psicoactivases
dc.description.filFil: Gallo, Verónica del Valle. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Salud Pública; To analyze the level of internalized stigma in people who consume psychoactive substances and who are aunder rehabilitation treatment in the Institute of Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, dependent of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital of the province of Córdoba. Methods: The study was observational, descriptive and cross-sectional. It was a nonprobabilistic, intentional sample, aimed at survey a quota of 120 patients, with diagnosis of abuse and dependence on psychoactive substances, according to the IDC X and DSM IV, over 18 years old and under rehabilitation treatment for the consumption of psychoactive substances in a public institution. The assessment instrument was the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) previously adapted to be used in this population. Results: 95% of the interviewees were male and 5% were female. The mean age was 37.3 (SD 12.6) years, with no significant difference in the mean age between genders. The years of formal education had a meanof 10.6 (SD 4.1) years. The mean age of onset of substance use was 19.4 (SD 0.83) years; while the mean time under treatment for substance use declared by the patients was 4 months. The marital status was mostlysingle (48.5%), 34.7% was married, 14.9% was separated or divorced, and 12.1% was widow. Regarding the internalized stigma, 26.73% experienced a mild level of internalized stigma, 41.58% a moderate level, 15.84% a severe level and 15.84% of the subjects do not showedinternalized stigma. Higher indicators of stigma were observed in patients who reported consuming only alcohol, than patients who reported polydrug use. Conclusions: Internalized stigma is a frequent problem among people who consume psychoactive substances, although it may be more severe in people who consume only alcohol, since this consumption is naturalized in this sociocultural context.en

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