Now showing items 41-60 of 68

    • Oral Health Comparison In Special Schools Using Cloud-Based Charting Tools 

      Molina, Gustavo Fabían; Lagonero, Andrea Carolina; Rocamundi, Marina; Aimar, Ana Paula; Ulloque de Garay, María Jorgelina (2018)
      Aim or Purpose: To assess oral health related to caries experience amongst people with disability attending to four institutions in Cordoba, Argentina, using a cloud-based e-charting tool platform.-Material and Methods: ...
    • P16 and mgmt methylation in chronic mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa 

      Lazos, Jerónimo; Piemonte, Eduardo David; Brunotto, Mabel (2018)
      Objective: Chronic mechanical irritation (CMI) has been proposed as risk factor for oral cancer. Epigenetic alterations, particularly methylation, have been mentioned as early events in carcinogenesis, and it has been ...
    • Prevalence Of Caries In Cordoba School-Children 

      Rocamundi, Marina; Ulloque de Garay, María Jorgelina; Lagonero, Andrea Carolina; Hevia Y Perez, Laura; Scaglia, Janet Alejandra; Sala, Luciana; Prenna, Lorena del Valle; Braschi, Silvia; Pacheco, Beatriz; Sereno, Rosana (2018)
      Aim and Purpose: The National Prevention Program of CORA has been working in Cordoba since 1997, consisting on training teachers to develop health education projects in schools. AIM. To know the prevalence of caries ...
    • Prevalence of oral lesions and systemic pathology in adults of Cordoba city 

      Caciva, Ricardo Crhistian; Belardinelli, Paola Alejandra; López de Blanc, Silvia; Grenón, Miriam Silvina; Morelatto, Rosana; Scatena, María Gabriela; Barembaum, Silvina Ruth (2017)
      Oral health impacts on the quality of life. Oral lesions are realted with some systemic pathologies and risk factors. Objective: To study the prevalence of oral lesions, personal and hereditary pathological history and ...
    • Prognostic risk score of genotypic characteristics in oral cancer based on logistic regression model 

      Galíndez Costa, María Fernanda; Carrica, Victoriano Andrés; Don, Julieta; Unamuno, Victoria; Gónzalez Segura, Ignacio; Centeno, Viviana Andrea; Secchi, Dante Gustavo; Zárate, Ana María; Barra, José Luis; Brunotto, Mabel (2018)
      The prediction models represent the only way to stop or reduce the incidence of oral cancer in thepopulation, especially some socio cultural vulnerable population; and allow the development of a preventiveintervention ...
    • Questionnaire to evaluate the dysfunctionalities of the temperomandibular joints in rheumatoid arthritis 

      Rhys, Karen Vanesa; Gobbi, Carla Andrea; Busamia, Beatriz Ester; Albiero, Eduardo Horacio; Lagnarini, Ana Laura; Alba, Paula Beatríz (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Odontológica, 2021)
      Objectives: To design a useful tool for derivations from the Rheumatology Service to the Dentistry Service of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who present possible pathologies in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). ...
    • Relación entre Toll like receptors, infiltrado inflamatorio tumoral y cáncer bucal. Asociación con factores de riesgo 

      Bolesina, Nicolás Jorge; Morelatto, Rosana; Ferreyra de Prato, Ruth; Cuffini, Cecilia Gabriela; Grupe, Verónica María; Maccioni, Mariana; López de Blanc, Silvia (2018)
      Relación entre Toll Like Receptors ( TLR2), infiltrado inflamatorio tumoral (TILs) y cáncer bucal. Asociacióncon factores de riesgo.Objectives: Correlacionar la expresión de TILs y TLR2 con infecciones, factores de riesgo ...
    • Risk Polymorphisms in oral Leukoplakia: a Systematic Review 

      Bono, Alejandra; Zárate, Ana María; Don, Julieta; Barra, José Luis; Brunotto, Mabel (2015)
      Introduction The greatest challenge is to predict which oral leukoplakia (OL) will be able to progress to oral squamous cell carcinoma. Purpose Generally, the systematic reviews and meta-analysis of polymorphisms are ...
    • Role of C.albicans LIP in isolates from malignant lesions on in vitro model of human buccal cells 

      Castillo, Graciela del Valle; Aguilar, Jonathan Damián; Miró, María Soledad; Sotomayor, Claudia; Azcurra, Ana Isabel (2017)
      Candida is present in the normal oral flora, with albicans being the most frequent species. Since the 80´s, its association with other stomatological lesions has drawn significant attention. When immunocompetence breaks ...
    • Role of sex chromosome complement in the regulation of aromatase expression in developing mice brain 

      Cisternas, Carla Daniela; Arévalo, María Ángeles; Garcia-Segura, Luis Miguel; Cambiasso, María Julia (2016)
      During the critical period of sexual differentiation there are sex differences in brain aromatase expression that are time and regionally specific. Some of these sex differences cannot be explained by organizational — ...
    • Role of X-linked genes on sex differences in neurogenin 3 expression in developing hypothalamic neurons 

      Cisternas, Carla Daniela; Arévalo, María Ángeles; Garcia-Segura, Luis Miguel; Cambiasso, María Julia (2016)
      Our previous findings indicate that sex chromosome complement regulates the generation of sex differences in mouse hypothalamic neuronal development. Higher expression of neurogenin 3 (Ngn3) in XX neurons mediates sex ...
    • Sealing and adaptation of different biomaterials used in the protection of the pulpal dentin complex 

      Sakalian, María Candela; Rozas, Carlos Alfredo; Uribe Echevarría, Leonardo; Visvisían, Carmen (Sociedad Uruguaya de Investigación Odontológica, 2017)
      OBJECTIVES: Comparing the sealing and adaptation to deep pulpal wall of different biomaterials used as dentin pulpal protectors using confocal laser scanning microscopy reflection (CLSMR) METHODS: Human molars with Class ...
    • Sex differences in GABA-mediated calcium influx in hypothalamic neurons 

      Mir, Franco Rafael; Wilson, Carlos; Cambiasso, María Julia (2018)
      GABAA receptor (GABAAR) activation exerts trophic actions in immature neurons through depolarization of resting membrane potential gating the opening of voltage-dependent calcium channels. Previous results from our lab ...
    • Sex differences in gene expression of X-linked histone demethylase Kdm6a in embryonic hypothalamic neurons 

      Cabrera Zapata, Lucas Ezequiel; Sosa, Camila; Cambiasso, María Julia (2018)
      Kdm6a and Kdm5c are histone demethylases that play an important role as epigenetic regulators of gene transcription by removing the di- and tri-methylation of Lys27 or Lys4 on histone H3 (H3K27me2/me3 - H3K4me2/me3). Both ...
    • Sex differences in X-linked gene expression in embryonic hypothalamic neurons 

      Cabrera Zapata, Lucas Ezequiel; Cisternas, Carla Daniela; Cambiasso, María Julia (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias, 2017)
      Although sex hormones are usually considered the main architects of sexual dimorphisms, recent studies have demonstrated that sex chromosomes can also induce sex differences in somatic gene expression in the absence of ...
    • Sexual dimorphism in renal angiotensin receptors gene expression: sex chromosome complement involvement 

      Dadam, María Florencia; Cambiasso, María Julia; Porcari, Ciantia Yamilia; Godino, Andrea; Vivas, Laura Marta; Caeiro, Ximena Elizabeth (2016)
      The process of biological sex differentiation involves genetic and hormonal developmental steps. Clinical and basic findings indicate that the angiotensinergic system differentially regulates hydroelectrolyte and ...
    • Sexually transmitted infections in oral cavity lesions. Human Papillomavirus y Chlamydia trachomatis 

      Mossman, Jessica; Talavera, Angel Daniel; Monetti, Marina Soledad; Criscuolo, María Inés; Venezuela, Raul Fernando; Kiguen, Ana Ximena; Ferreyra de Prato, Ruth; López de Blanc, Silvia; Cuffini, Cecilia Gabriela (2017)
      The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) in oral cavity lesions and rate the association between this co-infection, in Córdoba- Argentina.
    • Spectrochemical analysis of metals in gingival fluid of patients with dental implants and different prosthetic materials 

      Grenón, Miriam Silvina; Fuks, Mario David; García, Manuel Alejandro; Oliva, Fabiana; Ibáñez, Juan Carlos; Juaneda, María Agustina; Pérez, Carlos A.; Sánchez, Héctor Jorge (2017)
      Titanium dental implants are in an electrolytic hostile media composed by bacterial colonies, gingival fluid, and inflamed tissues. It triggers an electrochemical degradation process known as corrosion. During this process, ...
    • Study of the genetic polymorphisms of thegenes CYP1A1 and GSTM1 in relation to oral cancer and precancer 

      Carrica, Victoriano Andrés; Galíndez Costa, María Fernanda; Unamuno, Victoria; Don, Julieta; Barra, José Luis; Secch, D.; Brunotto, Mabel; Zárate, Ana María (Sociedad Uruguaya de Investigación Odontológica, 2017)
      Estudiar las variantes polimórficas de los genes CYP1A1 y GSTM1, involucrados en la activación (Fase I) o la detoxificación (Fase II) de los carcinógenos del tabaco, en relación a precáncer y cáncer oral.
    • Study of the TP53 codon 72 polymorphism in oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders in Argentine patients 

      Don, Julieta; Secchi, Dante Gustavo; Carrica, Victoriano Andrés; Galíndez Costa, María Fernanda; Panico, René Luis; Brusa, Martín Eduardo; Barra, José Luis; Brunotto, Brunotto, Mabel (Sage Publications, 2016)
      The aim of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of TP53Arg72Pro mutations and their possible relationship with oral carcinoma and oral potentially malignant disorders in Argentine patients. A cross-sectional study was ...