Now showing items 21-23 of 23

    • Towards Enhancing EFL Academic Literacy : The Effect of Genre-Based Instruction on Summary-Response Writing 

      Dalla Costa, Natalia (2012-11-13)
      This study investigates the effect of genre-based instruction on the process of teaching summary-response writing to EFL university students at an advanced level of language proficiency. A quasi-experimental research design ...
    • La traducción de textos técnicos 

      Bruno, Laura; Luque, Ileana; Ferreyra, Laura (Facultad de Lenguas, UNC., 2016)
      En consonancia con el objetivo principal de la cátedra Traducción Técnica de la Facultad de Lenguas, UNC en cuanto a que el estudiante realice traducciones directas (inglés>español) de textos especializados en el campo de ...
    • Using ICTs to improve perceptions skills in EFL listening 

      Spataro, Claudia (2015)
      This work aims at showing how 5 listening sessions were designed on Moodle 2.3 based on the review of possible activities that aid perception skills and the way in which multimedia and Moodle have been used to design online ...