Now showing items 1094-1113 of 1212

    • Sobre la verificación automática de autómatas probabilistas distribuidos con información parcial 

      Giro, Sergio Sebastián (2010-03)
      En esta tesis desarrollamos algoritmos y técnicas de análisis basadas en model checking para analizar la corrección de sistemas distribuidos con características aleatorias y no deterministas. Una contribución importante ...
    • Sobre las categorías modulares de dimensión impar 

      Czenky, Agustina Mercedes (2019)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar de la manera más autocontenida posible a las categorías modulares de dimensión impar, sus propiedades e invariantes. En la primera parte se exponen las nociones de categorías ...
    • Solid-state studies of the crystalline/amorphous character in linear Poly(ethylenimine hydrochloride) (PEI-HCl) polymers and their copper complexes 

      Lázaro Martínez, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez Castellón, Enrique; Vega, Daniel; Monti, Gustavo Alberto; Chattah, Ana Karina (2015)
      Linear poly(ethylenimine hydrochloride) (PEI-HCl) polymers with different molecular weights (22, 87, and 217 kDa) and their copper complexes (Cu−PEI) were studied with particular attention to the crystalline/amorphous ...
    • Solitones en la Esfera 

      Carrasco, Federico. (2011-03)
      Estudio numérico y análitico de ciertos sistemas de tipo skyrmiones. Estos modelos se presentan en el contexto de teorías de campos clásicas que, al ser consideradas en su forma no-lineal completa, presentan soluciones con ...
    • Soluciones positivas para problemas elípticos sublineales y singulares 

      Medri, Ivan Vladimir (2018-03)
      En esta tesis se estudiaron tres problemas relacionados a ecuaciones de reacción difusión elípticas sublineales y singulares cuando el término de reacción cambia de signo. En primer lugar se trató la existencia y no ...
    • Soluciones positivas para problemas no lineales que involucran al φ-Laplaciano unidimensional 

      Milne, Leandro Agustín (2017-03)
      Sean Ω := (a,b) ⊂ R, m ∈ L^1(Ω) y λ > 0 un parámetro real. Sea L el operador diferencial dado por Lu := −φ(u 0 ) 0 + r(x)φ(u), donde φ : R → R es un homeomorfismo creciente e impar y 0 ≤ r ∈ L 1 (Ω). Estudiamos la ...
    • Soluciones positivas para problemas que involucran el ϕ-Laplaciano 

      Milne, Leandro Agustín (2022-03)
      Sean Ω un dominio suave y acotado en RN, hλ: Ω x [0,∞) → R una función Carathéodory, λ>0 un parámetro real y ϕ: RN → RN una función continua estrictamente monótona. En esta tesis estudiamos la existencia de soluciones ...
    • Some totally geodesic submanifolds of the nonlinear Grassmannian of a compact symmetric space 

      Salvai, Marcos Luis (2014)
      Let M and N be two connected smooth manifolds, where M is compact and oriented and N is Riemannian. Let E be the Fréchet manifold of all embeddings of M in N, endowed with the canonical weak Riemannian metric. Let ∼ be the ...
    • Sonido y ondas 

      Di Lorenzo, Federico (2021-03)
      En este trabajo se relata la experiencia de aprendizaje en las distintas etapas de las prácticas docentes en el marco de la materia “Metodología, Observación y Práctica de la Enseñanza” (MOPE), que corresponde al cuarto ...
    • Soporte para ARM en un compilador verificado 

      Arranz Olmos, Santiago (2022-12)
      Este trabajo es un estudio de un lenguaje de programación, llamado Jasmin, utilizado para desarrollar criptografía eficiente y confiable, así como una propuesta de una extensión a esta herramienta para agregar soporte para ...
    • Spectra of lens spaces from 1-norm spectra of congruence lattices 

      Lauret, Emilio Agustín; Miatello, Roberto Jorge; Rossetti, Juan Pablo (2016)
      To every n-dimensional lens space L, we associate a congruence lattice L in Zm, with n = 2m−1 and we prove a formula relating the multiplicities of Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues on L with the number of lattice elements of a ...
    • Spherical analysis on homogeneous vector bundles of the 3-dimensional euclidean motion group 

      Díaz Martín, Rocío Patricia; Levstein, Fernando (2018)
      We consider R3 as a homogeneous manifold for the action of the motion group given by rotations and translations. For an arbitrary τ∈SO(3)ˆ, let Eτ be the homogeneous vector bundle over R3 associated with τ. An interesting ...
    • Spherical functions : the spheres vs the projective spaces 

      Tirao, Juan Alfredo; Zurrián, Ignacio Nahuel (2014)
      In this paper we establish a close relationship between the spherical functions of the n-dimensional sphere Sn ≃ SO(n + 1)/SO(n) and the spherical functions of the n-dimensional real projective space P n(R) ≃ SO(n + ...
    • Spherical functions associated with the three dimensional sphere 

      Pacharoni, María Inés; Zurrián, Ignacio Nahuel; Tirao, Juan Alfredo (2014)
      In this paper, we determine all irreducible spherical functions of any K-type associated to the pair (G;K) = (SO(4); SO(3)). This is accomplished by associating to a vector valued function H = H(u) of a real variable ...
    • Spherical functions of fundamental K-types associated with the n-dimensional sphere 

      Tirao, Juan Alfredo; Zurrián, Ignacio Nahuel (2014)
      In this paper, we describe the irreducible spherical functions of fundamental K-types associated with the pair (G, K) = (SO(n + 1), SO(n)) in terms of matrix hypergeometric functions. The output of this description is that ...
    • A statistical study of heterogeneous nucleation of ice by molecular dynamics 

      Bermúdez Di Lorenzo, Aleida Josefina; Carignano, Marcelo Andrés; Pereyra, Rodolfo Guillermo (2015)
      We studied the stochastic nature of heterogeneous nucleation of supercooled liquid water by molecular dynamics simulations. The systems were composed of 768 molecules; M of them had their positions restricted forming a ...
    • Stopping power of palladium for protons in the energy range 0.300-3.100 MeV 

      Miranda, P. A.; Sepúlveda, A.; Morales, J.R.; Burgos, E.; Fernández, H.; Rodríguez Cabello, Tabatha Pamela (2013)
      The stopping power of palladium for protons has been measured using the transmission method with an overall uncertainty of around 5% over the energy range Ep=(0.300–3.100) MeV. These stopping power data are then compared ...
    • Strictly positive solutions for one dimensional nonlinear elliptic problems 

      Kaufmann, Uriel; Medri, Iván Vladimir (2014)
      We study the existence and nonexistence of strictly positive solutions for the elliptic problems -- in a bounded open interval, with zero boundary conditions, where -- is a strongly uniformly elliptic differential operator, ...
    • Strong cosmic censorship and Misner spacetime 

      Denaro, Pedro Ignacio Esteban; Dotti, Gustavo Daniel (2015)
      Misner spacetime is among the simplest solutions of Einstein's equation that exhibits a Cauchy horizon with a smooth extension beyond it. Besides violating strong cosmic censorship, this extension contains closed timelike ...
    • Structural and magnetic changes induced by electron and ion irradiation on HOPG 

      Ávila, Milagros; Venosta, Lisandro Francisco; Bajales Luna, Noelia; Bercoff, Paula Gabriela (2015)
      In recent decades, many studies reported magnetism in carbon-based materials. This phenomenon was attributed to structural defects within the sample. Many authors showed an increase of magnetization in HOPG (Highly Oriented ...