Now showing items 61-80 of 216

    • Spectra of lens spaces from 1-norm spectra of congruence lattices 

      Lauret, Emilio Agustín; Miatello, Roberto Jorge; Rossetti, Juan Pablo (2016)
      To every n-dimensional lens space L, we associate a congruence lattice L in Zm, with n = 2m−1 and we prove a formula relating the multiplicities of Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues on L with the number of lattice elements of a ...
    • SiNaRaMe : integración de una red de radares hidro-meteorológicos en latinoamérica 

      Rodríguez, Andrés; Lacunza, Carlos; Serra, Juan José; Saulo, Andrea Celeste; Ciappesoni, Héctor Horacio; Caranti, Giorgio Mario; Bertoni, Juan Carlos; Martina, Agustín (2017)
      Pocos países en Latinoamérica poseen radares meteorológicos operativos y, menos aún, han logrado la integración de estos mediante una red, junto a otros instrumentos y sensores remotos para monitoreo hidro-meteorológico. ...
    • Analysis of non-Markovian repairable fault trees through rare event simulation 

      Budde, Carlos E.; D'Argenio, Pedro Ruben; Monti, Raúl Enrique; Stoelinga, Mariëlle (2022)
      Dynamic fault trees (DFTs) are widely adopted in industry to assess the dependability of safety-critical equipment. Since many systems are too large to be studied numerically, DFTs dependability is often analysed using ...
    • Interpreting natural language instructions using language, vision and behavior 

      Benotti, Luciana; Lau, Tessa; Villalba, Martín Federico (2010)
      We define the problem of automatic instruction interpretation as follows. Given a natural language instruc- tion, can we automatically predict what an instruction follower, such as a robot, should do in the environment to ...
    • Playing against fair adversaries in stochastic games with total rewards 

      Castro, Pablo Francisco; D'Argenio, Pedro Ruben; Demasi, Ramiro Adrián; Putruele, Luciano (2022)
      We investigate zero-sum turn-based two-player stochastic games in which the objective of one player is to maximize the amount of rewards obtained during a play, while the other aims at minimizing it. We focus on games in ...
    • MaskD : a tool for measuring masking fault-tolerance 

      Putruele, Luciano; Demasi, Ramiro Adrián; Castro, Pablo Francisco; D'Argenio, Pedro Ruben (2022-03-30)
      We present MaskD, an automated tool designed to measure the level of fault-tolerance provided by software components. The tool focuses on measuring masking fault-tolerance, that is, the kind of fault-tolerance that allows ...
    • Axiomatizing bisimulation equivalences and metrics from probabilistic SOS rules 

      D'Argenio, Pedro Ruben; Gebler, Daniel; Lee, Matías David (2014)
      Probabilistic transition system specifications (PTSS) provide structural operational semantics for reactive probabilistic labeled transition systems. Bisimulation equivalences and bisimulation metrics are fundamental notions ...
    • A certified extension of the Krivine machine for a call-by-name higher-order imperative language 

      Rodríguez, Leonardo Matías; Fridlender, Daniel Edgardo; Pagano, Miguel María (2014)
      In this paper we present a compiler that translates programs from an imperative higher-order language into a sequence of instructions for an abstract machine. We consider an extension of the Krivine machine for the ...
    • On nonsingular two-step nilpotent Lie algebras 

      Lauret, Jorge Rubén; Oscari, Francisco David (2014)
      A 2-step nilpotent Lie algebra n is called non-singular if ad X : n → [n, n] is onto for any X /∈ [n, n]. We explore non-singular algebras in several directions, including the classification problem (isomorphism invariants), ...
    • On homogeneous Ricci solitons 

      Lafuente, Ramiro Augusto; Lauret, Jorge Rubén (2014)
      We study the evolution of homogeneous Ricci solitons under the bracket flow, a dynamical system on the space Hq,n ⊂ Λ2g∗ ⊗ g of all homogeneous spaces of dimension n with a q-dimensional isotropy, which is equivalent to ...
    • Mixing Bandt-Pompe and Lempel-Ziv approaches : another way to analyze the complexity of continuous-state sequences 

      Zozor, Steeve; Mateos, Diego M.; Lamberti, Pedro W. (2014)
      In this paper, we propose to mix the approach underlying Bandt-Pompe permutation entropy with Lempel-Ziv complexity, to design what we call Lempel-Ziv permutation complexity. The principle consists of two steps: (i) ...
    • Curvature flows for almost-hermitian Lie groups 

      Lauret, Jorge Rubén (2015)
      We study curvature flows in the locally homogeneous case (e.g. compact quotients of Lie groups, solvmanifolds, nilmanifolds) in a unified way, by considering a generic flow under just a few natural conditions on the broad ...
    • Lifting via cocycle deformation 

      Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Angiono, Iván Ezequiel; García Iglesias, Agustín; Masuoka, Akira; Vay, Cristian Damián (2014)
      We develop a strategy to compute all liftings of a Nichols algebra over a finite dimensional cosemisimple Hopf algebra. We produce them as cocycle deformations of the bosonization of these two. In parallel, we study the ...
    • Classification of integral modular categories of Frobenius–Perron dimension pq4 and p2q2 

      Bruillard, Paul; Galindo Martínez, César Neyit; Hong, Seung-Moon; Kashina, Yevgenia; Naidu, Deepak; Natale, Sonia Luján; Plavnik, Julia Yael; Rowell, Eric C. (2014)
      We classify integral modular categories of dimension pq4 and p2q2, where p and q are distinct primes. We show that such categories are always group-theoretical, except for categories of dimension 4q2. In these cases there ...
    • Self-avoiding walks on a bilayer Bethe lattice 

      Serra, Pablo; Stilck, Jürgen F. (2014)
      We propose and study a model of polymer chains in a bilayer. Each chain is confined in one of the layers and polymer bonds on first neighbor edges in different layers interact. We also define and comment results for a ...
    • Tailoring optical fields emitted by nanometric sources 

      Bustos Marún, Raúl Alberto; Dente, Axel Damián; Coronado, Eduardo Andrés; Pastawski, Horacio Miguel (2014)
      In this work we study a simple way of controlling the emitted fields of sub-wavelength nanometric sources. The system studied consists of arrays of nanoparticles (NPs) embedded in optical active media. The key concept is ...
    • On the linear stability of the extreme Kerr black hole under axially symmetric perturbations 

      Dain, Sergio Alejandro; Gentile de Austria, Ivan (2014)
      We prove that for axially symmetric linear gravitational perturbations of the extreme Kerr black hole, there exists a positive definite and conserved energy. This provides a basic criteria for linear stability in axial ...
    • Algebraic functions in quasiprimal algebras 

      Campercholi, Miguel; Vaggione, Diego (2014)
      A function is algebraic on an algebra A if it can be implicitly defined by a system of equations on A. In this note we give a semantic characterization for algebraic functions on quasiprimal algebras. This characterization ...
    • Anisotropy-based mechanism for zigzag striped patterns in magnetic thin films 

      Billoni, Orlando Vito; Bustingorry, S.; Barturen, M.; Milano, J.; Cannas, Sergio Alejandro (2014)
      In this work, we studied a two-dimensional ferromagnetic system using Monte Carlo simulations. Our model includes exchange and dipolar interactions, a cubic anisotropy term, and uniaxial out-of-plane and in-plane ones. ...
    • Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data 

      Aasi, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Domínguez, Alfredo Eduardo; Maglione, César Germán; Ortega Larcher, Walter Emanuel; Quiroga, Gonzalo Damián; Reula, Oscar Alejandro (2015)
      We present results of a search for continuously emitted gravitational radiation, directed at the brightest low-mass x-ray binary, Scorpius X-1. Our semicoherent analysis covers 10 days of LIGO S5 data ranging from 50–550 ...