Now showing items 161-180 of 216

    • Magnitude modelling of HRTF using principal component analysis applied to complex values 

      Ramos, Oscar Alberto; Tommasini, Fabián Carlos (2014)
      Principal components analysis (PCA) is frequently used for modelling the magnitude of the head related transfer functions (HRTFs). Assuming that the HRTFs are minimum phase systems, the phase is obtained from the Hilbert ...
    • A posteriori error estimates for elliptic problems with Dirac measure terms in weighted spaces 

      Agnelli, Juan Pablo; Garau, Eduardo Mario; Morin, Pedro (2014)
      In this article we develop a posteriori error estimates for second order linear elliptic problems with point sources in two- and three-dimensional domains. We prove a global upper bound and a local lower bound for the error ...
    • Explicit matrix inverses for lower triangular matrices with entries involving Jacobi polynomials 

      Cagliero, Leandro Roberto; Koornwinder, Tom H. (2015)
      For a two-parameter family of lower triangular matrices with entries involving Jacobi polynomials an explicit inverse is given, with entries involving a sum of two Jacobi polynomials. The formula simplifies in the Gegenbauer ...
    • Constitutive hippocampal cholesterol loss underlies poor cognition in old rodents 

      Martín, Mauricio Gerardo; Ahmed, Tariq; Korovaichuk, Alejandra; Venero, César; Menchón, Silvia Adriana; Salas, Isabel; Munck, Sebastian; Herreras, Oscar; Balschun, Detlef; Dotti, Carlos Gerardo (2014)
      Cognitive decline is one of the many characteristics of aging. Reduced long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) are thought to be responsible for this decline, although the precise mechanisms underlying ...
    • Estudio del espectro fluorescente Ka 1,2 en Mn 

      Bianco, Leonardo Martín; Ceppi, Sergio Andrés; Stutz, Guillermo Eduardo (2014)
      Se presenta un estudio de alta resolución del espectro de emisión fluorescente Kα1,2deMn.El espectromedidopresenta asimetrías hacia el lado de bajas energías de los picosKα1y Kα2.Lainterpretación del ...
    • Properties of NiMnGa alloys ultra rapidly solidified by suction casting 

      Rodoni, Esteban; Levingston, Jorge Matías; Deghi, Sebastián Esteban; Lescano, Daniel Eduardo; Pozo López, Gabriela del Valle; Urreta, Silvia Elena; Fabietti, Luis María Rodolfo (2015)
      Ni2MnGa alloys are obtained by suction casting in water chilled cylindrical copper moulds 50 mm long and 1-4 mm in diameter; the microstructure and the magnetic properties are then investigated as functions of the cylinder ...
    • Inverse transition in the dipolar frustrated Ising ferromagnet : the role of domain walls 

      Araújo Velasque, Luciana; Stariolo, Daniel Adrián; Billoni, Orlando Vito (2014)
      We present a theoretical study aimed at elucidating the origin of the inverse symmetry-breaking transition observed in ultrathin magnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy. We study the behavior of the dipolar frustrated ...
    • Multisolitons with vector mesons on the two-sphere 

      Carrasco, Federico León; Reula, Oscar Alejandro (2014)
      Recent studies have suggested a strong connection between the static solutions of the 3D Skyrme model and those corresponding to its low-dimensional analog (baby-Skyrme model) on a two-sphere. We have found almost identical ...
    • Modeling spatial patterns in the visual cortex 

      Daza Caro, Yudy Carolina; Tauro, Carolina Beatriz; Tamarit, Francisco Antonio; Gleiser, Pablo Martín (2014)
      We propose a model for the formation of patterns in the visual cortex. The dynamical units of the model are Kuramoto phase oscillators that interact through a complex network structure embedded in two dimensions. In this ...
    • On structural completeness versus almost structural completeness problem : a discriminator varieties case study 

      Campercholi, Miguel Alejandro Carlos; Stronkowski, Michal M.; Vaggione, Diego José (2015)
      We study the following problem: determine which almost structurally complete quasivarieties are structurally complete. We propose a general solution to this problem and then a solution in the semisimple case. As a consequence, ...
    • Existence of strictly positive solutions for sublinear elliptic problems in bounded domains 

      Godoy, Tomás Fernando; Kaufmann, Uriel (2014)
      Let Ω be a smooth bounded domain in RN and let m be a possibly discontinuous and unbounded function that changes sign in Ω. Let f : [0,∞) → [0,∞) be a nondecreasing continuous function such that k1 ξp ≤ f (ξ) ≤ k2 ξp for ...
    • Experimental determination of <10 10>/ Ψ tilt grain boundary energies in ice 

      Druetta, Esteban; Nasello, Olga B.; Di Prinzio, Carlos L. (2014)
      Ice grain boundary energies γgb relative to the free surface energy γs were determined by studying the topographic details revealed by plastic replicas of the ice grain boundary groove-free surface with a Laser Confocal ...
    • On the theorem of the primitive element with applications to the representation theory of associative and Lie algebras 

      Cagliero, Leandro Roberto; Szechtman, Fernando (2014)
      We describe all finite dimensional uniserial representations of a commutative associative (resp. abelian Lie) algebra over a perfect (resp. sufficiently large perfect) field. In the Lie case the size of the field depends ...
    • Experimental determination of L X-ray fluorescence cross sections for elements with 45 < Z < 50 at 10 keV 

      Bonzi, Edgardo Venusto; Grad, Gabriela B.; Barrea, Raúl A. (2014)
      Synchrotron radiation at 10 keV was used to experimentally determine the Ll, La, LbI ,LbII , LgI and LgII fluorescence cross sections for elements with 45 < Z < 50, as part of an ongoing investigation at low energies. The ...
    • Examples of pointed color Hopf algebras 

      Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Angiono, Iván Ezequiel; Bagio, Dirceu (2014)
      We present examples of color Hopf algebras, i.e. Hopf algebras in color categories (braided tensor categories with braiding induced by a bicharacter on an abelian group), related with quantum doubles of pointed Hopf algebras. ...
    • Improved upper limits on the stochastic gravitational-wave background from 2009-2010 LIGO and Virgo data 

      LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; Aasi, J.; Maglione, C.; Quiroga, G. (2014)
      Gravitational waves from a variety of sources are predicted to superpose to create a stochastic background. This background is expected to contain unique information from throughout the history of the Universe that is ...
    • La actividad eléctrica atmosférica en Argentina : estimación de la tasa de mortalidad anual por acción de caídas de rayos 

      Nicora, M. Gabriela; Quel, Eduardo J.; Bürgesser, Rodrigo E.; Ávila, Eldo E.; Rosales, Alejandro; Salvador, Jacobo O.; D’Elia, Raúl (2014)
      Disponer de información de la actividad eléctrica en el territorio nacional es un elemento fundamental para la vigilancia atmosférica. Tanto para aplicaciones de relevancia, en cuestiones de seguridad e infraestructura, ...
    • Swap logic 

      Areces, Carlos Eduardo; Fervari, Raúl Alberto; Hoffmann, Guillaume Emmanuel (2014)
      We investigate dynamic modal operators that can change the model during evaluation. We define the logic SL by extending the basic modal language with the ♦ modality, which is a diamond operator that in addition has the ...
    • Landau-Zener and Rabi oscillations in the spin-dependent conductance 

      Fernández Alcázar, Lucas Jonatan; Pastawski, Horacio Miguel (2014)
      We describe the spin-dependent quantum conductance in a wire where a magnetic field is spatially modulated. The changes in direction and intensity of the magnetic field acts as a perturbation that mixes spin projections. ...
    • Lightning in Western Patagonia 

      Garreaud, René D.; Nicora, M. Gabriela; Bürgesser, Rodrigo E.; Ávila, Eldo E. (2014)
      On the basis of 8 years (2005-2012) of stroke data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network we describe the spatial distribution and temporal variability of lightning activity over Western Patagonia. This region ...