C I C L O D E N I V E L A C I Ó N INTRODUCING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Facultad de Lenguas, UNC. 2019 María Belén Oliva Marianela Mora Consuelo Jofré Pilar Srur 2 “Manual Ciclo de Nivelación 2019" está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución – No Comercial – Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 Internacional. ISBN 978-950-33-1480-7 Introducing English language : ciclo de nivelación / Maria Belen Oliva ... [et al.]. - 3a ed . - Córdoba : Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2018. Libro digital, PDF Archivo Digital: descarga y online ISBN 978-950-33-1480-7 1. Inglés. 2. Lengua inglesa. 3. Universidad . I. Oliva, Maria Belen CDD 420.7 Unit 1: People Models at Risk World Leaders Young Celebrities Consolidation Unit 2: Places Important Capital Cities Amazing Cities Unit 3: Stories & Biographies A Horror Story A Love Story Biographies Film Directors Bibliography Appendix Mock Test 1 Mock Test 2 Extensive Reading Anne Frank Dream Towns The Elephant Index 3 p. 5 p. 31 p.49 p. 67 p. 69 p. 72 p. 81 p. 82 p. 83 p. 6 p. 16 p. 22 p. 27 p. 32 p. 41 p. 50 p. 55 p. 61 p. 64 4 U N I T 1 People 5  Have a short conversation with the rest of the class about fashion and models.  Now, look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): Models Under 16 Banned in London a. All 13-15-year-old models cannot enter London next week. T / F b. Models at a London fashion show must present a health certificate. T / F c. Being super thin is the current trend for catwalk models. T / F d. Models put their health at risk by working in sub-zero conditions. T / F e. BMI is a ratio based on the thickness of someone’s body and legs. T / F f. Some countries have banned models that are too thin. T / F g. A report suggests models take drug tests from time to time. T / F h. The report says eating disorder experts should go to fashion shows. T / F I. Read the text below and check whether your predictions were correct or incorrect. Models under 16 banned in London People Pre-reading activities Models under the age of 16 will be banned from London’s Fashion Week. In addition, all models may soon have to show a health certificate before they are allowed to walk down the catwalk. These are the decisions of the Model Health Inquiry that was set up in March by the British Fashion Council to ensure models eat healthily. One major concern was how skinny models have become. Super-thin is in and experts fear that models are risking their health due to a variety of eating disorders. An unwanted side effect is that teenagers and young women in their twenties and thirties copy the looks and shape of size-zero models and put their health at risk. The inquiry is in response to the deaths of two Uruguayan models Luisel Ramos, 22, and her sister, Eliana, 18, who died last year because of poor diets. The Model Health Inquiry did not recommend barring models based on their body mass index (BMI). It said that the BMI - the ratio of weight to height - was "not an accurate method of determining health". The inquiry said models could easily make themselves vomit to try and beat the tests and get on the catwalk. Other countries have barred models with a BMI of less than 18. The World Health Organization says a BMI of 18.5 is a minimum healthy standard. The report made 14 recommendations, which include random drug tests and a "rigorous scientific study" into the extent of eating disorders within the industry. The report also said that from September 2008, models "should provide a medical certificate attesting their good health from doctors with expertise in recognizing eating disorders." 6 Models at Risk II. Decide which of these topics or words from the article are most interesting and which are most boring. Justify your answers fully. models being under 16 - health certificates - walking down the catwalk - eating disorders diet - weight - height - vomiting - drug tests - recommendations - reports III. SYNONYM MATCH: Look at the highlighted words in the article and match them with the correct synonym. 1. ban (Non-finite form: bare infinitive) a. imitate 2 catwalk (n) b. banned 3. to ensure (Non-finite form: Bare Infinitive) c. confirming 4. in (adj) d. make certain 5. copy (v) e. throw up 6. determining (Non-finite form: Gerund) f. fashionable 7. vomit (Non-finite form: Bare infinitive) g. prohibit 8. barred (Non-finite form: Past Participle) h. strict 9. rigorous (adj) i. establish 10.attesting (Non-finite Form:Present Participle) j. runway INTERESTING BORING UNIT 1 7 IV. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible). 1. Models under the a. in 2. allowed to walk b. of size-zero model 3. super-thin is standard c. minimum healthy 4. Models are risking their health due d. of determining health 5. copy the looks and shape e. down the catwalk 6. The Model Health inquiry did not f. scientific study 7. not an accurate method disorders g. to a variety of eating 8. A BMI of 18.5 is a banned h. age of 16 will be 9. A rigorous health i. attesting their good 10. provide a medical certificate models j. recommend barring V. Write sentences using the following words and expressions from the article. 1. catwalk ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. health certificate ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. in their twenties ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. diet ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. eating disorder ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. healthily ___________________________________________________________________________ People 8 VI. QUESTIONS on the ARTICLE: Look back at the article and write down some questions about the text you'd like to ask the class.  Share your questions with other classmates / groups  Ask your partner / group your questions ? ? ? ? ? VII. VIDEO SESSION: Watch the video about the Paris ban on extremely thin models and complete the text with the missing information. Story highlights Paris (CNN) French lawmakers are weighing a ban on extremely thin models. 1. Dr. Olivier Veran, a doctor and French lawmaker, is proposing the measures. "We want to combat the idea that an agency could _________________________; for example eating cotton balls to lose their appetite, to always lose more weight," he said. 2. "Seeing models' bones as they_________________________ is a troubling trend," Veran said. *https://edition.cnn.com/2015/03/17/europe/france-skinny-model-ban/index.html 3. Modeling agencies will have to require _________________from models proving that their _____________________ is at least 18. Models would also be required to undergo_____________________. And agencies that violate the law could face ________ and even possible ______________. 4. Vernan's proposed amendments to _________________________would also target the dark online world of _________________________that _________________________and encourage young women to post photos of their emaciated frames. UNIT 1 9 5. In France, Veran said, 30,000-40,000 people suffer from ____________________, mainly teenagers. 6. Extreme cases such as that of French model Isabelle Caro who died of anorexia in 2010 have _______________________ for a change. 7. Similar concerns in Spain, Italy and Israel prompted those countries to __________________________________________ and in advertising campaigns. 8. Israel even has strict rules on how model's bodies are __________________ ; any changes must be clearly marked on the photo. 9. Some in the industry are supportive of the proposed laws, but say they don't strike at the real issue. "The fact of the matter is, fashion creatives have to think about ________________________________ around ____________________ and the fact they are normalizing ___________________________________," said Caryn Franklin, a fashion commentator. 10. Veran's legislation is set to go before the French Parliament at the end of the month for discussion. And he wants to outlaw what he calls ____________________by the end of the year. CNN's Catherine E. Shoichet contributed to this report.  Compare the information form the reading text and the video and complete the following chart with the main ideas presented.  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  …………………………………………  ………………………………..…….  …………………………………..….  ……………………………………...  ………………………………………  ……………………………………...  ………………………………………  ……………………………………… READING TEXT VIDEO People 10 After Reading DISCUSSION: Think of ideas for the following questions and then hold a class discussion. Consider the questions below: 1. What is your opinion about a model's life behind the lens and on the catwalk? 2. Would you like to be a model? 3. Do you think a model’s job is an unhealthy one? Why? What kind of lifestyles do you think models lead? 4. Do you think 15 is too young to be walking down a catwalk? 5. Why do you think super-thin is in? 6. What else should the fashion industry do to help models with eating disorders? 7. Do you think women who have eating disorders because they copy the models’ looks should sue the fashion industry? 8. How could we help someone with an eating disorder? 9. What do you think of the clothes fashion models wear on catwalks? 10. Do you think health certificates for mo dels are necessary? VOCABULARY WORK Web search: consult the following web page: http://inglessoto.wikispaces.com/file/view/FASHION+VOCABULARY.pdf There you'll find a very complete list on vocabulary related to clothes, patterns, materials, accessories and expressions connected to "Fashion". Study them carefully and then do the activities below. A. Complete the following sentences with suitable expressions from the list on the web page. a. As my eyes are rather small, I ______________________________ so that they look bigger. b. Even though that fur coat ______________ you perfectly well, it doesn't ____________ you. The material or the color might be the problem! c. In summer, we typically wear __________ or _________ on your feet, but never _________ or ___________ since they are too warm for the summer. UNIT 1 11 d. A person who always wears very fashionable clothes even if the clothes sometimes make them look silly are called _________________ . e. I hate people who _____________________ like Armani or Louis Vuitton even if the clothes cost a million. They just want to be _______________. These fit perfectly. And I like the colour. I think I’ll buy them. (woman buying shoes) I’ve put on weight and my trousers don’t fit me anymore! If something suits someone or something, it is right for that person or thing or situation, or it makes that person or thing look more attractive. That sofa suits the room really well – the colours match the walls. Black doesn’t suit me; I look better in lighter colours. What´s the difference in mean ing between the verbs fit and suit? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/fit-or-suit B. Describe the following people’s outfits using at least 20 words or expressions from the web page: Picture A Picture B Picture C People 12 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Picture B ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Picture C ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Picture A ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ C. Name each garment: UNIT 1 13 c) a tour around Europe FOLLOW-UP * Model English teacher train driver US President McDonald’s worker Hollywood actor Lawyer nurse LISTENING *You will listen to an extract that deals with children that worry about their body image. Choose "true" or "false" for each statement: *  legs  bottom  stomach  other  hair  eyes  nose  teeth Speaking Activity: Get in pairs and answer the following questions: What clothes should you take with you if you go on holidays to the following places? Why? (give reasons for your answers) a) an island in the Caribbean b) a skiing resort in the south of Argentina Many jobs have unhealthy sides to them. In pairs, brainstorm and talk about the dangers of these jobs. Order them from most to least dangerous and explain why. Share your answers. Do you worry about the shape of your body? Are you unhappy with the different parts of your body? With your partner(s), talk about how happy/ unhappy you are with the body bits below: People 14 a. The article says American school kids worry about their body shape. T / F b. Just over 50 per cent of boys worry because of their bodies. T / F c. The study interviewed 693 boys and girls about their bodies. T / F d. Over half of teachers said girls were hurt by comments on their body. T / F e. Teachers said kids start worrying about their body from the age of 4. T / F f. Teachers said around 30% of girls use products to get a suntan. T / F g. Kids diet to look better in front of other kids. T / F h. A head teacher said airbrushed photos of celebrities are good for kids. T / F QUICK DEBATE: WRITING Write a short paragraph (10-12 lines) about the fashion industry. Is it a good or bad industry? Why? Student A thinks models are too thin and are a bad role model for youngsters. Student B thinks there’s nothing wrong with the shape or size of models. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ UNIT 1 15 World Leaders Pre-reading activities Which are the qualities of a good leader? Explain each of the following characteristics. Look at the photographs on the following page and describe the people in them. Complete the blanks with suitable phrases from the box below: Adolf Hitler Mahatma Ghandi Harmful World Leaders Beneficial Pope Francis Mother Teresa People 16 Lady Di Martin Luther King Discuss with the rest of the class:  Would you consider them world leaders? Why? Why not?  What makes a person a leader?  Is leadership a characteristic people are born with?  Are all leaders beneficial for society? Martin Luther King Lady Di UNIT 1 17 LISTENING First Listening: Listen to the extract on leadership and jot down all the ideas you can in your notebook. Then discuss: In general terms, what is the extract about? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Second Listening: Listen again and answer the following questions with information from the extract. 1) Is leadership a frequent topic of discussion nowadays? ______________________________________________________ 2) What can good leaders produce or cause? ______________________________________________________ 3) What does the speaker say about bad leaders? ______________________________________________________ 4) Where else can leadership be beneficial? ______________________________________________________ People 18 New Pope: Francis READING  Read the news article and then answer the questions that follow. Who Is Pope Francis? Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis on March 13, 2013, when he was named the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Bergoglio, the first pope from the Americas, took his papal title after St. Francis of Assisi of Italy. Prior to his election as pope, Bergoglio served as archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013 (succeeding Antonio Quarracino), as cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church of Argentina from 2001 to 2013, and as president of the Bishops' Conference of Argentina from 2005 to 2011. Named Person of the Year by Time magazine in 2013, Pope Francis has embarked on a tenure characterized by humility and outspoken support of the world's poor and marginalized people, and has been involved actively in areas of political diplomacy and environmental advocacy. It took those responsible for electing a new pontiff just two days to choose a successor to Pope Benedict. The new Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, from Argentina is the 266th pontiff in the Church's 2,000-year history. He has chosen a name that many say reflects his own humble upbringing– Francis. He becomes the first ever Latin American Pope and the first non-European to head the Church in over 1,300 years. Thousands of pilgrims flocked into the Vatican's St Peter's Square and cheered and applauded as they saw the white smoke that signified a new Pope had been chosen. Followers in Buenos Aires wept for joy in the streets as they heard the news of the historic appointment. Argentina's President Cristina Kirchner said she was very proud that the first Latin American Pope was from Argentina. She wished Pope Francis great success in his new position as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. She said in a statement: "We wish him, as he takes the reins of the Church, a fruitful pastoral mission, with such tremendous responsibility on his shoulders, seeking justice, equality, brotherhood and peace among mankind." Francis is seen by many as a wise choice to lead the Church through a time of crisis because of reforms he made in the past. Others view him as too conservative. Source: http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2013/03/13/cardinal-jorge-bergoglio-is-elected-pope 1. How long did it take to elect a new Pope? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 2. How many Popes were there before Francis? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 3. What does the name Francis reflect about the new Pope? ………………………………………………………………................................................... UNIT 1 19 4. When was the last time a Pope came from outside Europe? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 5. What did the pilgrims in the Vatican do when they saw white smoke? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 6. What did people in Argentina´s capital do when they heard the news? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 7. What was Cristina Kirchner proud of? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 8. How many Catholics are there in the world? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 9. What did Cristina Kirchner say Francis had on his shoulders? ………………………………………………………………................................................... 10. Why do some people think he is a wise choice as Pope? ………………………………………………………………................................................... After Reading Vocabulary work Use these words/phrases from the text in appropriate sentences. First discuss their meanings with your teacher or look them up in a dictionary. a pontiff humble (adj) upbringing (n) to flock into to cheer to weep for joy news to seek to lead People 20 FOLLOW-UP Speaking Discussion. First, in pairs consider the following questions/topics. Then, have a class discussion on the topic. World Leaders WRITING Write an e-mail to Pope Francis. Ask him three questions about being Pope. Give him three pieces of advice on what he should do first. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 1. What springs to mind when you hear the word “Pope”? Why? 2. Do religious leaders always do good? 3. Will Pope Francis be different because he is Latin American? Why? Why not? 4. What should Francis focus on as a world and religious leader? 5. What kind of person makes a great world leader? 6. If they all met, what would the leaders of the great nations discuss? 7. What can a corrupt leader provoke? To: Pope Francis From: Date: Subject: UNIT 1 21 Young Celebrities Class Discussion Talk about the famous people in the pictures (life, career, etc.) What do they have in common? Justin Bieber Daniel Radcliffe Take a look at the following list of words. Describe the celebrities mentioned using some of the adjectives on the list: adaptable affectionate aggressive ambitious broad-minded imaginative inventive moody assionate persistent resourceful sensible straight-foward strong-minded unassuming careless cheerful empathetic energetic exuberant Reading Comprehension: Read the article on Miley Cyrus. Born Destiny Hope Cyrus on November 23, 1992 (legally changing her name to Miley Ray Cyrus early in 2008), Miley grew up on a 500-acre farm near Franklin, Tennessee. She loved this simple, old-fashioned country life, interacting with her five brothers and sisters and attending a Christian church regularly. After a year of home schooling while doing some acting here and there, Miley returned to the public routine in Nashville for the sixth grade. Soon, she joined the cheerleading team. Later she flew to L.A. and auditioned for a part in a new Disney Channel sit-com, Hannah Montana. .At first, Miley tried out for the part of Lilly, the best friend of the show’s star, Chloe Stewart. But it soon became apparent that Miley had the talent – particularly the singing and dancing ability - to try out for the part of the main character, though the producers thought she might be too small and too young. Miley returned to Nashville not knowing if she had gotten the part. Weeks passed and then, boom! Disney sent the news that Miley had gotten the part of Hannah Montana, She left Nashville before starting high school. However, Miley soon realized her fame wouldn’t be instantaneous. As she walked down the red carpet at the premiere of the Disney movie, Chicken Little, nobody took her photograph and, at the after-party, she and her mother had to eat while sitting on the floor. People 22 (Adapted from: http://kosmo.hubpages.com/hub/Mind-of-Miley-Cyrus-Im-just-Sayin, all of the quotes in this article are taken from Miley Cyrus’ autobiography, Miles to Go, co-written by Hilary Liftin, published in March 2009, copyright by Smiley Miley, Inc.) When Miley first toured as Hannah Montana, opening for the Cheetah Girls, she didn’t have a backup band, just a band tract and only four dancers. Miley did 20 shows in one month. About this time, Miley’s second album, Meet Miley Cyrus, featured two discs, one with Miley performing as her alter ego, Hannah Montana, and the other as Miley Cyrus. Miley said that many of the songs on the album are about her “Prince Charming,” reportedly Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers. About the music on this album, Miley wrote, “Music (and other forms of art) does the same thing. It can inspire, lift you up to the future, rein in your pride, knock you off your feet, embrace your soul, change your life. I want to make that kind of music. Art is a gift to others. The purpose of art is to drown people in emotion.” During Miley’s subsequent “Best of Both Worlds” tour, she donated one dollar from the sale of every ticket to the City of Hope, a charity for people suffering from cancer. And for Miley’s sixteenth birthday party held at Disneyland, 5,000 people were charged an admission of $250 apiece, and then Miley donated one million dollars to Youth Service America. Miley has also donated lots of time and money to other charities. Finally, it was time for the young TV star to make a movie. Hannah Montana: The Movie was filmed at the Cyrus family farm in Tennessee. Miley really enjoyed the experience of working so close to home. Enthusiasm for her TV alter ego remained strong for several years, as well. In April 2009, the film scored at the box office, bringing in more than $79 million. Lately, she’s appeared on the sitcom Two and a Half Men and also plans to release a new album "sometime" in 2013. Make questions for these answers extracted from the text: a. __________________________________________________________________ ? On a 500-acre farm near Franklin, Tennessee. b. __________________________________________________________________ ? Yes, she did. c. __________________________________________________________________ ? For her sixth grade. d. __________________________________________________________________ ? For a part in Hannah Montana. e. __________________________________________________________________ ? She might be too small and too young. f. __________________________________________________________________ ? Before starting high school. UNIT 1 23 g. __________________________________________________________________ ? Nobody did. h. __________________________________________________________________ ? She didn’t have a back- up band. i. __________________________________________________________________ ? One million dollars. j. __________________________________________________________________ ? She has appeared on the sitcom Two and a Half Men. Paraphrase the following sentences from the text : a. Miley returned to the public routine in Nashville for the sixth grade. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. But it soon became apparent that Miley had the talent – particularly the singing and dancing ability. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. Miley soon realized her fame wouldn’t be instantaneous. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ d. “…The purpose of art is to drown people in emotion”. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ e. 5,000 people were charged an admission of $250 apiece. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ People 24 Watch the video again and complete the sentences: c. His favorite album is … 1. Parachutes by Coldplay 2. Acoustics by Oasis 3. Never Mind the Bollocks Here’s the Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols d. His main spending has been on … 1. cars 2. works of art 3. travelling e. Daniel’s favorite book is … 1.The Master and Margarita 2.Lord of the Flies 3. Saturday f. Daniel says he would like to have a career similar to … 1. Clive Owen’s 2.Christian Bale’s 3. George Clooney’s  Choose the best option: a. One of Daniel’s favorite films is … 1. Billy Elliot 2.The Dark Night 3. Twelve Angry Men b. His favorite director is … 1. Christopher Nolan 2. David Lynch 3. Errol Morris Video Session Daniel Radcliffe is another actor who became famous when he was a child. Watch him talking about himself. (Extracted from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/films/daniel-radcliffe-video-exclusive) a. “Total Strange Love […] which would introduce me to A: the ________________ of Peter Sellers and B: a kind of a whole new style of genuinely ___________ comedy”. b. “[Nolan’s films] have an incredible amount of ______________ and ______________ in terms of the story he wants to tell.” UNIT 1 25 c. “I have done nothing nearly as _____________ as Rupert has”. d. “[His favorite book] is set on two time lines that __________ parallel to each other.[…] I _____________ everybody to read it.” e.“Ocean Eleven, that’s still very, very _____________ , _____________ , ______________”. Class Discussion: Write a composition about a young celebrity you look up to. Use relevant vocabulary. Despite the amazing lifestyle Miley Cyrus and Daniel Radcliffe have had so far, can you think of any disadvantages of being a young celebrity? WRITING ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ People 26 Describing Famous People Read the descriptions and look at the pictures. Can you guess who these famous people are? She is a beautiful Argentinean model. She is single and she hasn't got children. She is in her thirties. She's tall and thin. She has got long blond hair and green eyes. He is a famous American leader. He is tall and slim with dark skin. He has got short black curly hair and brown eyes. He has got big ears and thick lips. Complete the semantic map using the words and expressions in the previous exercise and some others that you may know. You can add more arrows and ideas to the semantic map. weight height * thin * * * * * * * * * * hair eyes * * * * * * * * * mouth / lips nose * * * * * * * * Physical appearance UNIT 1 27 Consolidation 1.____________________________________________________ ? He is tall and well-built. He has got green eyes, and he is bald. 2.____________________________________________________ ? He is an actor, producer and singer. 3. ____________________________________________________ ? He was born in Germany 4. ____________________________________________________ ? He lives in Los Angeles, California. 5. ____________________________________________________ ? Yes, he is. His wife's name is Emma Heming. 6. ____________________________________________________? He has got five children. 7. ____________________________________________________ ? He won a Golden Globe in 1987. Use of English * Ask questions for the following answers. Then guess who the famous person is. Student A: choose a famous person and imagine that you are that person. Then, answer your partner’s questions about yourself. Student B: Ask questions to your partner in order to find out who he/she is. When you finish, change roles. Speaking Activity: Guess Who People 28 *Read the texts below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a mistake. If a line is correct put a tick (√). If a line has a word which is incorrect, cross out the word and write the correct one. There is an example at the beginning. 1._____ in ______ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ My brother works for an international bank on New York. He is a high-flier, intelligent, ambition and very talented. However, he can to be a bit selfish. He sometimes thinks that his work is most important than other people´s work. My sister is a university student. She is very create and artistic, but she can be rather forget and careless. She never remembers where her books and notes are and she is always lose things. 5._____________ 6._____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10._____________ 11._____________ 12._____________ 13._____________ My best friend is an history teacher. I think she is very energetically. She is always active and never gets tired. She is also imagine and has a passionate interest in music, but she is rather patient. She gets irritated when she has to wait for something for a long time. Use of English UNIT 1 29 30 U N I T 2 Places 31 I. Oral Work A. Have you ever been to any important capital city? B. Is there any city you would really like to visit? Which one(s)? Why? II. Vocabulary Work Write the names of as many capital cities as you can on the map. Important Capital Cities Places UNIT 2 Describe the cities in the map using the adjectives below. Share your ideas with your classmates. ancient expensive bustling fascinating green touristy compact inexpensive contemporary lively cosmopolitan picturesque crowded polluted exciting popular 32 Complete the following sentences with a city (not yours). Explain your choice. Add more ideas to the list. 1. People dance beautifully in ______________________ 2. People speak English very well in _________________ 3. You can eat very well in ________________________ 4. People drive dangerously in _____________________ 5. People in _________________ talk loudly. 6. They dress very stylishly in _____________________ 7. ___________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________ (Adapted from: Lathan-koenig Christina & Oxenden Clive. (2004). New English File. Elementary. Student´s Book. Oxford: OUP.) III.Reading and watching Before watching A. Match the pictures to the descriptions of New York main sights. A- New York’s infamous neon wonderland is hustle and bustle at its best, and an essential stop for all tourists. B- No trip to New York is complete without zooming up the top of this iconic building, where the views of Manhattan are unmatchable. C- One of Manhattan’s most iconic developments, this hub of business and entertainment was considered a remarkable feat when it was completed in the late 1930s. D- Meet the iconic library lions, explore the Rose Room and marvel at millions of books at New York City’s flagship library. E- Pay your reverent respects to the victims of 9/11 at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. Reflect before the quiet fountains where the Twin Towers once stood, and learn about the heroes, sacrifices, and ongoing impact of the tragic 2001 attacks. F- One of the first American parks to be developed using landscape architecture techniques. The largest and most important public park in Manhattan, New York City. It occupies an area of 840 acres (340 hectares) and extends between 59th and 110th streets (about 2.5 miles [4 km]) and between Fifth and Eighth avenues (about 0.5 miles [0.8 km]). UNIT 2 33 Time Square Rockefeller Center New York Public Library Empire State Building 9/11 Memorial & Museum Central Park Places 34 B. Watch the video about New York and complete the text with the missing vocabulary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtCMtC50gwY New York is situated in the Northeast region of the United States of America. Over eight million people call the Big Apple home, and the city attracts up to fifty million visitors a year. Ever since the Colonists arrived in 1624, New York has been continuously shaped by the waves of immigrants drawn here by the promise of hope, and liberty. Every newcomer arrived with a 1 _____________________ that contributed to the sounds, tastes and textures of New York. But it is their dreams which built the city. A city like no other! New York touches not only the heavens with its 2 _____________________, its influence radiates to every corner of the globe. Every street corner it seems, is familiar through documentary, movie and song. New York's straightforward grid system makes it an easy city to explore by foot, taxi, or on its subway, which, just like the city - never sleeps! In Manhattan's Midtown, you'll find many of The Big Apple's most 3 _____________________. The Art Deco-designed Empire State Building is one of the most impressive and endearing skyscrapers ever created. The skyline may have grown up around it, but the view from the 102nd floor is as breathtaking today as it was when it first opened in 1931. New York has always been a place where "when the going got tough, the tough got going". The Rockefeller Center, a visionary city within a city, rose during the darkest days of the Great Depression. Today, it's still a 4 _____________________, inspiration and even more incredible views of the city. Closer to earth is Grand Central Terminal. Step into the Main Concourse, and feel the echo of every tearful farewell and joyous greeting throughout the station's history. New York has always been the gateway to the Land of the Free, but it is also the city of the spree -5 _____________________! This city is shopaholic heaven, and Fifth Avenue with its eye- popping window displays is the high temple of the retail world. Times Square - one of the most visited tourist attractions on the planet. Stand here, on the corner of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, and you stand at 6 _____________________. It's also the place to snap up a half-price ticket to a Broadway show. New York has been blessed with generous civic spaces. But there is no greater 7 _____________________in the Big Apple than Central Park, a beautiful 850-acre network of meadows and lakes. This is the place where New Yorkers come to rest, romance, and express themselves. Over the decades many New Yorkers made it big, and much of that fabulous wealth was reinvested into collecting some of the greatest artworks on the planet. Nowadays, much of this art is available for everyone to enjoy. A walk through the The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a walk through 5000 years of humankind's greatest creative moments. The Frank Lloyd Wright designed- Guggenheim is a different kind of walk, one which spirals ever-upward through a dizzying collection of 20th and 21st Century masterpieces. Newcomers to New York spend much of their time looking skyward, but since the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, a new attraction gives locals and visitors a chance to pause and bow their heads. The 8 _____________________________________ honors the 3000 people who lost their lives on that darkest of September days. New York resonates with the sounds of over 800 language groups, and nothing epitomizes this diversity like the city's neighborhoods. Little Italy packs all 9 _____________________of Italy into just a couple of streets, while Soho attracts cool cats and well-heeled bohemians from all over the world. UNIT 2 35 A few streets away, Greenwich Village proudly retains the cafés and bars where creative residents like Bob Dylan first performed before becoming American icons. And then there are the boroughs. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to 10 _____________________of Brooklyn. With its own distinctive neighborhoods, museums, open spaces - and who could forget Coney Island! So welcome to New York City, The Big Apple. We've only just given you a bite-sized taste of what this incredible city has to offer. But if you've got an appetite for the very best things that life has to offer, this is the destination for you - there's enough to feast on here for a lifetime! Source: https://www.expedia.com/lp/destinations/178293/new-york C. Explain the meaning of the expressions and words in bold from the text. Reading Read the text about New York and choose the correct option. 1. New York, a city situated in the Northeast region of the USA, is called… a. the immigrants city b. the Big Apple c. a sleepless city 2. Many immigrants arrived in New York looking for… a. its different sounds, tastes and textures b. its impressive architecture c. freedom and hope for a better life 3. Most of New York sights… a. are iconic places known through documentaries, movies or songs around the world b. are easy to walk c. are familiar to newcomers to the city 4. New York skyline view from the Empire State … a. is as impressive nowadays as it used to be in the past b. has changed negatively since 1931 c. has been blocked by the surrounding buildings Places 36 Video Session I. Before watching: Match the deserts to the countries where they’re located. a. Sahara 1. South America b. Atacama 2. North America c. Mojave 3. Africa II. Watch the following podcast from BBC, Lonely Planet, “On the Road.” http://www.bbc.com/travel/video/on-the-road/20130422-on-the-road-san-pedro-de-atacama-chile Tick the topics about San Pedro de Atacama mentioned in the video: a. Accommodation b. Typical Food c. The weather d. Tourist attractions e. Shopping malls III. Watch the video again and complete the following sentences. a. “The Atacama desert is the _______________________________ in the world.” b. “San Pedro, over the past ten years or so, has become a sort of __________________________.” c. “Here we are at ________________ meters above sea level.” d. “… there’s this really amazing thing going on here where they are starting to implement __________________________ ...” e. “San Pedro is famous for its_________________ , a lot of people say it’s for the concentration of copper _______________________ …” UNIT 2 37 IV. A number of adjectives are used by Greg Benchwick to depict the surroundings. Watch the video again and match the two columns. a. hot spring 1. mega draw b. geothermic 2. sand dunes c. tiny 3. fields d. massive 4. water e. tourist 5. towns f. geyser 6. sunset g. sand 7. hike h. strenuous 8. storm i. hot 9. activity j. great 10. Spring V. Take out specific information from the video to complete the chart: SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA ACCOMMODATION TYPICAL FOOD WEATHER ATTRACTIONS SHOPPING Places 38 VI. Group work: Interviewing Greg Benchwick. Work in a group of four and make eight questions you would ask Ben about his visit to Atacama and answer them. 1)....? 2)....? 3)....? 4)....? 5)....? 6)....? 7)....? 8)....? 9)....? Interviewing Greg Benchwick Vocabulary Work  When describing a place we typically refer to the weather. Consult the following web page for a list of terms related to the weather http://saberingles.com.ar/lists/weather.html  After studying that list, do the activities that follow  Describe the weather in the four seasons in your hometown. Make sure that you use as many words and expressions from the list as possible  What´s the weather like in the north, south, east, and west of your country?  What´s your favorite time of the year? Why? UNIT 2 39 rise fall reach remain Tomorrow the south will again __________________ warm and dry. Temperatures could ____________________ 25°C during the afternoon. In the north, the day will start quite cool, but temperatures will ________________ gradually during the day. Later in the week the weather will turn cold and night-time temperatures could _____________ as low as 8°C. wintry icy melt sleet frost Tonight will be cold and most parts of the country can expect an overnight ______________. Tomorrow will also be bitterly cold with ____________________ showers in many places. Rain or ___________________ will turn to snow, especially on high ground, later in the day. Roads will be ___________________ and drivers are advised to take extra care. At the weekend daytime temperatures could fall below zero and there will be snow in most parts of the country. Monday will be a little warmer and by Tuesday morning the snow will begin to _________________. (From: Gough, Chris. (2001). English Vocabulary Organizer. Hove: Language Teaching Publications. p.183) Look at the image and write a short report of the weather forecast for Seattle. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Complete the weather forecasts with the correct form of the verbs. FORECAST FOR SEATTLE ________________________________________ Places 40 Amazing Cities I. Reading Comprehension Five Cities Where you can Live Large, for a Little The world’s most expensive cities for 2013 have been identified by the Economist Intelligence Unit and there is a good chance your dream destination for living abroad is among them. Tokyo, Paris and Singapore are, predictably, among the top 10 cash-sapping destinations. In fact, Tokyo has ranked first for 14 out of the last 20 years. Other budget-busting centers are possibly more unexpected – at least if you are unfamiliar with local prices – with Australian cities Melbourne and Sydney both in the top five. But in many cases, for each incredibly expensive destination there is a city that offers similar experiences, for less. In these five inspiring alternatives, comparable lifestyle, location and experiences can be found for a fraction of the cost. Tokyo may be your heart’s desire, but just over the Sea of Japan lies the South Korean city of Seoul, a city equally fused with high-tech, neon-lit modernity. Essential costs such as rent and food are estimated to be around 40% less. An increasingly dynamic city, Seoul is an exemplary hub of technology and engineering as South Korea achieves global greatness with brands such as Samsung, LG and Hyundai. It is also home to all the skyscrapers and neon you could wish for, while offering historic contrast with ancient temples, palace complexes and teahouses. Like Tokyo, the city is easy to access through extensive and efficient public transport. Culturally minded, food-obsessed Melbourne is officially the world’s most livable city. Berlin, with its cool, artistic lifestyle and comparable riverside location provides ample similarities without blowing the budget. Consumer prices, including rent, in Berlin can be around 45% lower than in Melbourne. Like Melbourne, liberally minded Berlin is cultural to its core, a haven for artists, musicians and writers, with a penchant for innovation and subversion. It is home to museums galore, and has a thriving 24-hour nightlife, ranging from basement clubs to cocktail bars to world- class symphonies and theatre. Cycling in Berlin is just as popular as in Melbourne, and with Berlin’s excellent bike lanes and open spaces, it is an enjoyable and cost-effective way to get around the compact city. Urban giant Bangkok may be a lot more prone to traffic jams than impeccably clean and efficient Singapore, but if excellent shopping, food, entertainment and a megacity vibe are what you are looking for in a hometown, it could be the perfect, affordable alternative. (Adapted from: http://www.bbc.com/travel/feature/20130401-five-cities-where-you-can-live-large-for-a-little) UNIT 2 41 A. What is the main idea of the article? B. Ask questions for the following answers connected to the text a. ____________________________________________________________________ ? Seoul is a high-tech, neon-lit city. b. ____________________________________________________________________ ? Just over the Sea of Japan. c. ____________________________________________________________________ ? Historic contrast with ancient temples, palace complexes and teahouses. d. ____________________________________________________________________ ? Berlin is. e. ____________________________________________________________________ ? To traffic jams. II.Vocabulary work A. Find in the text adjectives that describe the cities mentioned CITIES Places 42 B. Find in the article words or expressions with the meaning of the definitions below. 1. Unsurprisingly, obviously __________________ 2. Something that causes someone to become short of money __________________ 3. Living conditions, behavior, and habits ___________________ 4. Combined with, joined together ___________________ 5. Center, heart, core ___________________ 6. Artistically inclined ___________________ 7. Special liking for something ___________________ 8. Flourishing and blooming ___________________ 9. by somethingTo have a tendency to be affected ___________________ 10. Feel , atmosphere ___________________ III. Production: You’re the podcaster! A podcast (pod + broadcast) is a type of digital media through which consumers become producers. Choose a town/city you really like and describe it. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 2 43 Travelling to Amazing Cities Listening Comprehension A. Pre-listening activity: Can you define the following words and expressions connected to accommodation? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Types of Accommodation Advantages Disadvantages Package tour Self-catering accommodation Guest house B & B Campsite B. Listen to a travel agent explaining accommodation possibilities to a man and a woman and decide if the statements below are true or false. 1. The woman prefers a package tour. _______ 2. They’re only interested in self-catering accommodation. _______ 3. The travel agent thinks that a self-catering cottage would not be suitable. _______ 4. The woman doesn’t want to sleep in a dormitory. _______ 5. The travel agent thinks that hiring a caravan is a bad idea. _______ (Adapted from: http://www.britishcouncil.org/professionals-podcast) Places 44 C. Listening for details Listen to the conversation again and complete the following sentences. i. We’d like to travel around and see a lot of the _______________________. ii. A ________________ of the two, I think. The main thing is that we want to _______________ from towns and cities. iii. There are lots of country cottages, ____________________ farmhouses, even castles available on a self-catering basis. iv. Or you could try _______________ . There are plenty of _______________ in Whales. v. I’ll get you some ___________________ and you can get a lot of information from the Welsh Tourist Board’s website. Vocabulary work  The following words have been extracted from the conversation. Provide synonyms for each of them and then write sentences. 1. nowadays: ______________________________________________________________ 2. provided: _______________________________________________________________ 3. extensive: _______________________________________________________________ 4. suitable: ________________________________________________________________ 5. restored: ________________________________________________________________ 6. remote: ________________________________________________________________  Read the email below from Claire to her family at home. Which place: a) has she been to? b) is she in now? c) is she going to? UNIT 2 45 susanrobinson@gmail.com News from Italy! Hi everybody, How are you? I´m writing to tell you that we finally left Rome by air rather than train yesterday. We had a great time there! We visited many historical buildings, such as the Coliseum and the Vatican. We got around by bus so it was pretty cheap. Now we´re in Capri, which is one of the most beautiful islands in Italy. We are staying at a luxurious hotel. Today we went diving in the morning, and we spent the rest of the day sunbathing on the beach. Tonight we are having dinner at a famous restaurant called La Palette. I want to try the local food! After that, we may go to a bar to have a drink. Our next stop is Positano. It´s a picturesque village surrounded by hills. We have booked a room for three days in a well-known B & B. I hope we can do some shopping, so that I can buy some souvenirs for all of you. Love, Claire  Complete the chart with appropriate words and phrases from the email. Means of Transport Places to visit Holiday Activities Accommodation by air Places 46 Student A: Mexico City Student B: Córdoba City Speaking Activity Your partner is a tourist visiting the city where you live, and he/she wants to know about it. Look at the pictures and tell your partner about your city. Your partner can ask you questions in order to get more information. When you finish change roles. UNIT 2 47 48 U N I T 3 Stories & Biographies 49 A HORROR STORY Pre-reading activities Take a deep breath and have a talk about "ghosts" with your partner. Later share it with the rest of the class. Consider the following questions in your chat. Do you believe that ghosts exist? Have you ever encountered a ghost? If you have, tell the story. Reading Read the following true story submitted by Thugrhymez14 to a blog on the Internet Mimic Ghost I was on the 2nd floor of our house playing PS2 with 4 of my relatives aging from 2 to 7 years old when suddenly they heard the voice of my aunt shouting that she was home and wanted them to come down. I was so busy with the game that I did not mind them since they are familiar with the stairs. All of them hurried down stairs just to find out that nobody was there. They were totally shocked. I was very worried that something bad had happened to my Aunt at that time. Incident of bombing in our location is very often. It came into my mind that she must have been probably a victim and just wanted to see her beloved nieces for the last time. Luckily my Aunt arrived an hour later riding a cab, and she was totally fine. I told her the story and she pointed out she had experienced the same thing at our house some time before. She said that once at around 4-5 am she was about to use the bathroom when she saw my sister go into the bathroom before her. She heard running water and singing, which is the hobby of my sister when using the bathroom. She waited for 30 minutes; suddenly the running water stopped, so she thought that my sister was done. But she was shocked to find out that nobody was using the bathroom. She then remembered that my sister had asked her for permission the previous night to go out because she had been invited to visit the province of her boyfriend and she left immediately after my aunt agreed. Again my sister was fine. We are still living in the same house but we are no longer afraid because we consider that the ghost couldn’t hurt us anyway. We just assume that the ghost is friendly and just wants to have fun with people. That is why we call the ghost the Mimic Ghost… Stories & Biographies UNIT 3 50  Retelling the story step by step Answer the following questions to reconstruct the story 1) Go back to the text and describe the story setting, i.e. place, participants, activities in progress at the moment the story starts, etc. 2) Complete the chart with the moves that make up the story Pl ace Participants Description of activities in progress STORY MOVES DESCRIPTION OF MOVES 1st action Speaker's inner feelings 2nd action Aunt's past experience Coda or speaker's conclusion UNIT 3 51  Invent a scary story/anecdote and tell it to your partner using the reporting verbs and mental verbs mentioned in the previous activity. Question making Ask questions for the these answers taken from the story They were totally shocked. The narrator’s aunt arrived an hour later. _____________________________________________________________________ She waited for 30 minutes. Because she had been invited to visit the province of her boyfriend. No, we are no longer afraid. 3) Retell the story orally with the information from 1 and 2. MENTAL VERBS REPORTING VERBS After Reading Vocabulary work When telling stories, we typically use reporting verbs, like say, express, state and also mental verbs, like believe, to report thoughts. Find in the text these verbs and transcribe them in the chart below. Add to each list other verbs that you know. Stories & Biographies 52 FOLLOW-UP Video Session (From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUT3fHXzOSY) A. Before watching the video, answer the following questions. *What is a flying saucer / UFO? *Where is the Maury Island? * Look at the picture. What do you think happened in this Island? B.Watch the video and answer these questions. 1) What is considered "The Maury Island Incident"? 2) When did “The Maury Island Incident” happen? 3) What happened in Roswell? 4) What is the relationship between the movie Men in Black and the Mauri Island Incident? C. Writing: Imagine you have seen a UFO and narrate the story. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 3 53 63 Speaking Consider the following questions and hold a "scary talk" with your classmates. o Are you afraid of staying alone at night? o Do you believe the existence of Alien? o Which of the following scare you the most? Ghosts, spirits, aliens or UFOs? Others? o If you knew a way to encounter a ghost, would you dare to try it? o If you happened to see a ghost, what would you do? o Would you dare to spend a night alone in the graveyard for $5000? Writing Choose one of the questions above and write your answer in paragraph form in the notebook below. Stories & Biographies 54 A L VE STORY Pre-reading activities The following phrases have been extracted from the story you are about to read. Have a look at them and try to anticipate what the story will be about. Share your possible stories with your classmates. Read the first part of this love story (paragraphs 1 through 5) and speculate about the ending. Finish up reading the story and discuss the ending you foresaw and the actual ending. TITLE: PART I to cling to her husband Mark he loved Susan with all his heart to protect his wife Mark's heart broke Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his love Reading The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked T down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty. Then she's settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg. It had been a year since Susan became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. How could this have happened to me?' she would plead, her heart knotted with anger. But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth, her sight was never going to return. A cloud of depression hung over Susan's once optimistic spirit. All she had to cling to was her husband Mark. Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength she needed to become independent again. Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city. At first, this comforted Susan and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task. Soon, however Mark realized that this arrangement wasn't working - it was hectic, and costly. UNIT 3 55 Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But just the thought of mentioning it to her made him cringe. She was still so fragile, so angry. How would she react? Just as Mark predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again. "I'm blind!" she responded bitterly. "How am I supposed to know where I'm going? I feel like you're abandoning me." Mark's heart broke but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each day he would ride the bus with her until she got the hang of it. And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other senses to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat. Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office. Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one, Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own. Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus riding companion, her husband, and her best friend. Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.... Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. PART II On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying for her fare to exit the bus, the driver said, "Boy, I sure envy you." Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year? "Why do you envy me?" The driver responded, "It must feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are." Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, "What do you mean?" The driver said, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you when you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady." Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. She was blessed, so blessed, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light where there had been darkness. Extracted from http://love-tenderly.blogspot.com.ar/p/short-love-stories_24.html After reading Find a nice title for this story. Share it with your classmates and decide which sounds best. Retell the whole story without looking at the page. Resort to your memory!!! Stories & Biographies 56 Learn more expressions related to Love. Then take the Love quiz!! blind date - a date where the two people have never met before. E.g. I went on a blind date in university but it was not successful. date (someone) - to go on a date with someone, to have a date with someone. E.g. My sister has been dating her boyfriend for two years. double date - a date where two couples go on a date and do something together. E.g. It was fun to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different. dump (someone) - to end a relationship by telling someone that you do not want to see him or her again. E.g. The woman dumped her boyfriend after they had a big fight. find Mr. Right - to find the right person or the perfect person to marry. E.g. The woman is hoping to find Mr. Right. first love - the first person that one falls in love with. E.g. The girl's first love was with a boy in her high school. get back together - to return to a relationship or marriage after separating. E.g. The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months. 1. In a pub… Is she interested in him? • Maybe • No 2. At a party… Is he interested in her? • Maybe • No 3. At a party… Is she interested in him? • Maybe • No 4. In a bar… Is she interested in him? • Maybe • No 5. At work… Is he interested in her? • Maybe • No 6. At a public meeting… Are they interested in each other? • Maybe • No Chatting someone up!!!! For each of the six questions read the situation then listen to the short conversations about chatting someone up. Decide if the person indicated might be interested in the other person. You'll need to listen to what they say and the way they say it. Listening activity FOLLOW-UP / Vocabulary work Expressions related to love to chat (chatting - chatted) someone up If you chat someone up, you talk to someone you don't know and try to get them interested in you - in a romantic way! to break (broke - broken) the ice to start a conversation with someone you don't know. E.g. I find talking about the weather is a good way to break the ice. UNIT 3 57 get serious (with someone) - to become more serious in a romantic relationship with someone. E.g. The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious. go Dutch - to go on a date where each person pays half of the expenses. E.g. Many university students have little money so they often go Dutch when they go on a date. go out with (someone) - to go on a date with someone, to be dating someone. E.g. The man would like to go out with his classmate. I have been going out with a woman from my hiking club for one year. good together - to be able to get along well with each other. E.g. The couple are good together and nobody has ever seen them argue. have a crush on (someone) - to have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results). E.g. The girl has a crush on a boy in her class. head over heels in love with (someone) - to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love with someone. E.g. The man is head over heels in love with someone in his company. hit it off (with someone) - to get along well with someone (from the first time that you meet that person - this can be used in a romantic way but it can also be used for any two people who meet and have a good relationship). E.g. I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now. The two salespeople hit it off and have a very good working relationship now. hung up on (someone) - to be obsessed with another person, to be interested in another person. E.g. The young woman is hung up on a member of her tennis club. interested in (someone) - to have a romantic interest in someone and possibly want to date that person. E.g. My sister is interested in someone from her university biology class. kiss and make up - to become friends again after a fight or argument. E.g. After they had a fight, the couple was quick to kiss and make up. make up - to resolve a quarrel, to forgive someone after an argument. E.g. The couple had a big fight at the restaurant but they made up and things quickly got back to normal. The boy and girl separated but they later made up and began seeing each other again. a match made in heaven - a couple who get along perfectly. E.g. When the two people finally met each other, it was a match made in heaven. on the rocks - to be in a state of difficulty, to be having problems (usually used for a relationship). E.g. The couple are experiencing many problems at the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks. patch up a relationship - to repair a broken relationship. E.g. The couple wanted to separate but they were able to patch up their relationship and now they are very happy together. Stories & Biographies 58 perfect couple - two people who appear to get along perfectly. E.g. Our neighbors seem to be the perfect couple. pop the question - to ask someone to marry you. E.g. The man thought about things carefully before he decided to pop the question to his girlfriend. puppy love - strong feelings of love (infatuation) between school-age children or teenagers. E.g. The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world. Other people thought that it was only puppy love. split up - to end a relationship. E.g. The girl and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years. steal (someone's) heart - to cause someone to fall in love with you. E.g. The woman stole the heart of the man who she was working with. tie the knot - to get married. E.g. After dating for several years, the young couple decided to tie the knot. true love - a genuine feeling of romantic love. E.g. It was true love for the young couple when they met at their company. unrequited love - love that is not returned, one-way love. E.g. The woman was in love with the president of her company but it was unrequited love. He did not love her. walk down the aisle together - to get married (in this case in a church where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar). The couple have decided to walk down the aisle together and begin their new life. walk out on (someone) - to abandon your partner and end a relationship. E.g. The man walked out on his wife. A "LOVE" QUIZ. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in brackets 1. The woman was (very much in love with) the accountant in her office. (a) interested in (b) double dating (c) head over heels in love with (d) walking out on 2. The young man was a nice person and he was able to (make the young woman fall in love with him.) (b) dump the young woman (a) become hung up on the young woman (c) find Mr. Right for the young woman (d) steal the young woman's heart 3. The boy (had very strong feelings of love for) the girl in his class. (a) hit it off with (b) had a crush on (c) made up with (d) dated UNIT 3 59 4. After dating for three years, the couple finally decided to (get married). (a) tie the knot (b) be good together (c) kiss and make up (d) get back together 5. The two people were very happy at first but recently their marriage appears to be (experiencing problems). (a) getting serious (b) on the rocks (c) a match made in heaven (d) puppy love 6. The couple plan to (get married) in the summer and buy a house together. (a) pop the question (b) kiss and make up (c) hit it off (d) walk down the aisle together 7. The woman went (on a date where she did not know the other person) but it was not very successful. (a) on a double date (b) on a blind date (c) out with someone (d) dutch 8. The couple had many problems in their relationship and it was in danger ofending. However, they worked hard to (repair it). (a) split up (b) get serious (c) patch it up (d) get back together 9. The couple appear to be (an ideal couple). (a) the perfect couple (b) the one and only (c) double dating (d) making eyes at each other 10. The woman believes that she has found (a genuine feeling of romantic love) with her boyfriend. (a) unrequited love (b) first love (c) puppy love (d) true love Adapted from http://www.idiomconnection.com Writing Reread Part I of the story about Susan and Mark and rewrite Part II but changing the ending completely. In your story, insert 2 or 3 of the idioms you have just learned. Stories & Biographies 60 Biographies Video Session (Retrieved from: http://www.biography.com/people/walt-disney-9275533) D. Look at the picture. Who is this famous person? What do you know about him? E. Watch the video about his life and complete the information below. December 5th, 1901 He was born... At the age of 18 1923 Five years later The studio made … UNIT 3 61 1934 In the 1940s Disney opened …. By 1950 Disney released its first … July 17th, 1955 During the fifties and sixties Disney dominated television with several … 1965 December 15th, 1966 Stories & Biographies 62  Get in pairs. Ask and answer questions to see if you can add more information to your table. e.g. A: Where was he born? B: He was born in Chicago. Writing: use the information from the table to write a biography about Walt Disney. Remember that we often use prepositions of place and prepositions of time when talking or writing about the life of a person. e.g. Disney was born in 1901. Disney was born on December 5th, 1901. He was born in Chicago at the age of 65. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 3 63 Film Directors Lead in activity: F. Match the directors and the films. Have you seen any of them? Martin Campbell - Francis Ford Coppola - Sofia Coppola - Quentin Tarantino I. Read the following facts about the lives of two directors. Then, decide which are about Hitchcock and which about Tarantino: HITCHCOCK OR TARANTINO? T/H a. He appeared in small roles in almost all of his films. T / H b. He was a very intelligent child. He had difficulties with reading and writing. He left school when he was 15 and went to work in a cinema, where he checked tickets at the entrance. T / H c. He was born in London in 1899. T / H d. His muse is the American actress Uma Thurman, whom he has directed in several of his most successful films. T / H Stories & Biographies 64 e. He was married and his daughter Patricia appeared in several of his films. T / H f. He went to school at St. Ignatius College, in London, and Later studied art at the University of London. T / H g. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1963. T / H h. He spent a short time in prison because he could not pay a parking ticket. T / H i. His muse was Grace Kelly (later princess Grace of Monaco), whom he directed in several of his most successful films. T / H j. He died in 1980. T / H k. He began his career as an actor. His biggest role was in an episode of the TV series The Golden Girls. He played the part of a man who impersonated Elvis Presley. T / H l. He never won an Oscar for Best Director, although he was nominated five times. T / H m. When the Academy finally gave him an honorary Oscar he received a standing ovation. He just said “thank you” and left the stage. T / H n. He has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Director. So far he hasn’t won one. T / H o. He says he hates drugs and violence but they appear a lot in his films. T /H Adapted from: New English File, Pre-Intermediate II. Connect Tarantino’s life facts with the words and expressions from the box. There are four extra words. where - which- although- but- as a result- later- however- yet- even- always- when- since Quentin Tarantino was born in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1963. He was ______________a very intelligent child _____________ he had difficulties with reading and writing. _____________ he left school when he was 15 and went to work in a cinema, where he checked tickets at the entrance. He spent a short time in prison _____________ he could not pay a parking ticket. ______________he began his career as an actor. His biggest role was in an episode of the TV series The Golden Girls _____________ he played the part of a man who impersonated Elvis Presley. His muse is the American actress Uma Thurman, whom he has directed in several of his most successful films. He says he hates drugs and violence ________________ they appear a lot in his films. He has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Director but he hasn’t won one _____________. UNIT 3 65 III.Listening Comprehension: Listen to part of a TV program about Sofia Coppola. Then, mark True or False against the following statements: a) Lost in Translation was released in 2003. _____ b) She won the Oscar for best director. _____ c) She was born in London in 1971. _____ d) She first appeared in a film in 1971. _____ e) Critics loved her performance in The Godfather part III. _____ f) She studied fine arts and photography in New York. _____ g) The Virgin Suicides was her first film. _____ h) So far, she has never been married. _____ i) She was the first American woman to be nominated for an Oscar for best director. _____ IV. Sofia’s father, Francis Ford Coppola, is another famous director. Using the information below, write about his life: Francis Ford Coppola Film director, producer and screenwriter. Date of birth: April,7th, 1939. Place of birth: Michigan Graduated from: Hofstra University (1959). Degree: Bachelor's degree in Theatre Arts Films: Patton (1970), The Godfather (1972), The Conversation (1974), The Great Gatsby (1974), The Godfather Part II (1974), Apocalypse Now (1979) Awards: (1974 and 1979) Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival (1970, 1972, 1974, ) Academy Awards (Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Stories & Biographies 66 Bibliography Consulted Books Bideleux, S., Boyle, J., Finnie, R., Mackie, G., McGavigan, P, Stephens, N. (2002).Link upper intermediate. London: Thomson Heinle. Evans, V. & Dooley, J. (2004).Upstream pre-intermediate b1. Newbury: Express Publishing. Evans, V. & N. O’Sullivan (2004) Click On. 1b. Student’s Book.Newbury: Express Publishing Evans, V. & Dooley, J. (2006).Upstream Pre-intermediate b1+. Newbury: Express Publishing. Gough, Chris. (2001). English Vocabulary Organizer. Hove: Language Teaching Publications. Hutchinson, T. (1997). Life Lines Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kay, S. & Jones, V. (2001).Inside Out Upper Intermediate. Spain: Macmillan. Newman, Christy M. (2006). Strategies for Test-Taking Success: Reading. Boston : Thomson-Heinle. Oliva, M.B., N. Der-Ohannesian, C. Spataro, C. Schander, y A. Massa (2012). An Introductory Course: English Language. Cooperadora Facultad de Lenguas, UNC. Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, Seligson, P. (2009) New English File. Elementary. Student’s Book. Oxford: OUP. Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, Seligson, P. (2009) New English File. Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Oxford: OUP. Stempleski, S., Morgan, J. & Douglas, N. (2005).World link.Book 1.Workbook. Boston: Thomson Heinle. Strange & Hall. (2000). Pacesetter Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 67 Consulted Web Pages for Reading and Listening Activities http://famouspeoplelessons.com/a/anne_frank.html http://www.short-stories.co.uk/ www.breakingnewsenglish.com http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2013/03/13/cardinal-jorge-bergoglio-is-elected- pope http://kosmo.hubpages.com/hub/Mind-of-Miley-Cyrus http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/films/daniel-radcliffe http://www.bbc.com/travel/video/on-the-road/20130422-on-the-road-san-pedro-de- atacama-chile http://www.bbc.com/travel/feature/20130401-five-cities-where-you-can-live-large- for-a-little http://www.britishcouncil.org/professionals-podcast http://www.esolcourses.com/content/exercises/grammar/adjectives/places/words-for- describing-places.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUT3fHXzOSY Bibliography http://love-tenderly.blogspot.com.ar/p/short-love-stories_24.html http://www.idiomconnection.com http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/new-york-city/sights/cultural-building/rockefeller- center http://www.wikipedia.thefreeencyclopedia http://www.biography.com/people/walt-disney-9275533 http://www.portsmouthnh.com/visitors/ https://vimeo.com/67846111 68 1) Use of English: *Complete the text with words from the box. (8 pts) plaits of slender straight nevertheless used in round-shouldered eyebrows beard were wore and forty complexion Carried his forties height also mannerism Mr.Pontellier _________ eye-glasses. He was a man in ___________, _______ medium _______ and rather _________ build; he stooped a little. His hair was brown and ________, parted on one side. His __________ was neatly and closely trimmed. (Adapted from Kate Chopin's The Awakening) *Make sentences using the prompts (12 pts) 1. /how/go/sightsee/Tuesday evening/? (make a suggestion) 2. /Pauline/quite/clever/ nevertheless /she /can / arrogant /times/. 3. /second floor/palace/ there / exquisite / valuable/ works / art/. *Complete with the correct preposition. (5 pts) 1. I like to ride my bike to the mountains _______ the summer. 2. The old lady was well dressed _____ her birthday. 3. They are excited _____ their trip to Rome next June. 4. Are you any good ______ golf? Appendix Mock Test 1 69 5. Monet is famous ____ his paintings of landscapes 6. I'm just hopeless _______ playing the guitar. 7. Unfortunately, he's quite jealous ________ his neighbour's new car. 8. I'm afraid he's incapable ________ understanding the most basic concepts. 9. I'm tired _______ your constant complaining! 10. Robert called me up ______ Sunday morning. 2) Reading Comprehension. Read the text and then do the exercises below. Lonely Planet review for Rockefeller Center Built during the height of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the 22-acre Rockefeller Center, named after developer John D Rockefeller, Jr, was the first project to combine retail, entertainment and office space in what is often referred to as a ‘city within a city.’ Built over nine years by 70,000 workers, this complex features several outdoor plazas and 19 buildings (14 of which are the original art- deco structures), and spans from 48th to 51st Streets and Fifth to Seventh Avenues. In 1987 it was declared a National Landmark, recognized for its unique combination of modernist architecture with a concentration of commercial and business enterprises. Most popular highlights include Radio City Music Hall, the GE Building (30 Rockefeller Plaza at 49th St), the ice-skating plaza and the Top of the Rock observation deck. Anyone interested in artworks within the complex should pick up the Rockefeller Center Visitors Guide in the GE Building lobby, which describes many of them in detail. Perhaps the best-known feature of Rockefeller Center, though, is its gigantic Christmas tree, which overlooks the skating rink during the holidays. It’s a tradition that dates back to the 1930s, when construction workers set up a small Christmas tree on the site. Today the annual lighting of the tree, held after Thanksgiving, attracts thousands of visitors to the area to cram around the felled spruce, selected each year with fanfare from an unlucky upstate forest. The scene is too crowded to be believed, but skating at the Rink at Rockefeller Center under the gaze of Prometheus is quite an experience (thought it’s crowded, too). Opening hours change weekly, so call for the schedule. (retrieved and adapted from http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/new-york-city/sights/cultural-building/rockefeller-center) Mock Test 1 70 * Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones. (10 pts) 1. You can have a view of the main streets of New York from the top of Rockefeller Center. 2. The setting up of a Christmas tree is a tradition that dates back to the times during which Rockefeller Center was being built. 3. The Christmas tree stands in the centre of the skating rink. 4. The skating rink is called a ‘city within a city’ because it can get extremely crowded. 5. You have to call if you want to know the opening hours this week. *Underline and correct the wrong idea(s) in each statement. (14Pts) 1. Rockefeller Center, a huge building that hosts shops, offices and entertainment facilities, was built well after the Great Depression in the thirties. 2. The tradition of the Christmas tree was started in the sixties by Mr Rockefeller himself. 3. This Christmas tree is a very exclusive attraction to which few people have access all year round. 4. The tree is selected very discreetly every year. 3) Writing section. (31Pts) Tell a brief story (140 words) that contains the following line: “At that moment he decided that he didn't really want to become a doctor". ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Mock Test 1 71 Mock Test 2 I. READING COMPREHENSION Read the text carefully. Decide if the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the FALSE ones. (10x2= 20p) Good and Bad Holidays Last month in “Holiday” Magazine, we asked readers to write and tell us about their holidays, good or bad. Here is one of the letters. Dear “Holiday” magazine, Three months ago I went on holiday to the south of France with my husband. We went by boat and car. We were there for two weeks and we stayed in small hotels. We had a very good time because we sunbathed and read books, we went to the beach every day and we visited a lot of historical places. The weather was lovely and the food in France was wonderful. But on the last day our car broke down. We didn't speak French and we had to go to Boulogne to get the boat to England. Luckily, we met another Englishman, Simon Pike. He was very friendly. He had a car and he took us to Paris to get the train to Boulogne. When we arrived at the station, Simon said, “Don’t worry. I speak a little French.” He went to the ticket office and bought us two tickets. He asked a guard in French “Excuse me! Which platform for Boulogne?” “Platform 7,” said the guard, “but hurry! The train leaves in two minutes.” We ran to platform 7 and got on the train. We said goodbye and thanked Simon. The train left and we started to talk to an Italian tourist. “What time do we arrive in Boulogne?” we asked. “Boulogne?” he said. “I think you have a problem. This train goes to Rouan!” 1. An Englishman writes this letter to “Holiday” magazine.____ 2. They went to France by plane. _____ 3. They stayed in the south of France for fifteen days ____ 4. They were in a place near the sea. ____ 5. They were not interested in the cultural part of France. ____ Mock Test 2 72 6. They say they liked everything about France except the small hotels. _____ 7. It rained most of the days. _____ 8. Going to Boulogne was not very important for them. _____ 9. Fortunately, Simon Pike took them to Boulogne in his car. _____ 10. Obviously, Simon Pike didn’t speak nor understand French very well. _____ II. USE OF ENGLISH A. Read this interview to Jennifer Anniston and make the appropriate questions. (8x3=24p) 1) ________________________________________________? My name is Jennifer Aniston but they call me Jen for short. 2) ________________________________________________? I was born in Sherman Oaks, California 3) ________________________________________________? Yes, I live in Los Angeles, California. 4) ________________________________________________? My family is from Greece. 5) ________________________________________________? Yes, Courtney is one of my best friends. 6) ________________________________________________? I married Brad Pitt in 2000 7) ________________________________________________? Yes. I acted when I was very young, at the age of 11. 8) ________________________________________________? Right now I’m shooting the film The Bounty Hunter. Mock Test 2 73 B. Vocabulary (10x1= 10p) Find the opposites of each word : 1. modest 2. polite 3. mean 4. lively 5. lazy 6. shy 7. amusing 8. careful =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ =/= ___________________ 9. honest =/= ___________________ 10. bad-tempered =/= ___________________ III. WRITING (46 p) You’re communicating with an Australian boy / girl for the second time on the Internet. He / She already knows about you. Write him / her e-mail and follow this guide: - Talk about your daily activities and your abilities. - Describe the place you visited in your last holidays and the activities you did there. Mock Test 2 74 SPEAKING CARD A Future plans Talk about your plans for next weekend. Use this guide: * Where are you going to go? * Why? / Why do you like going there? * How are you going to go there? *What time are you going to leave? * How long are you going to stay? * Who are you going with? * Are you going to spend a lot of money? Why? SPEAKING CARD B Holiday experience Talk about your last “unforgettable holiday”. Describe: *the place: size / quiet / expensive / etc., population. Compare it to another town or city. * Location: surroundings (mountains, lakes, rivers, beaches, etc) * The weather * Attractions / places to visit * How you got there * Who you went with * How long you stayed * Things you bought ORAL EXAM 75 SPEAKING CARD C Imagine you went on an activity holiday last year. Talk about your travelling experience. Talk about the place, transport, the activities, the people and the food. Also, you can include your impressions and feelings about your trip. Sydney Opera House Nightlife Sydney surfing traditional food aborigines The Outback kangaroos SPEAKING CARD D  Look at the pictures and answer the questions. - What do these people look like? - What are they wearing? - Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect our personality? - What kind of clothes do you usually wear? Do you wear fashionable clothes? - When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did you choose it? ORAL EXAM 76 u SPEAKING CARD E  Look at the pictures. Compare and contrast these holiday destinations and answer the questions. 1.What type of holiday do you prefer? Why? 2. What do you like doing when you go on holidays? 3. What do you consider when planning your holidays? Do you think about the weather, accommodation, nightlife, etc? 4. What’s your favourite kind of weather? 5. What was the best holiday you have ever had? Where did you go? What did you do? ORAL EXAM QUESTIONS FOR THE ORAL EXAM A- Questions about FASHION. 1. Do you think models lead a healthy lifestyle? 2. Would you like to be a model? Why/not? 3. What are the pros and cons of being a model? 4. Do you think 15 is too young to be walking down a catwalk? 5. Why do you think super-thin is in? 6. What should the fashion industry do to help models with eating disorders? 7. Do you think women who have eating disorders because they copy the models’ looks? 8. What do models have to submit to attest their good health? 9. Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes? 10. Do you think it is important to be in fashion? 11. Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes? 12. What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? 13. Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us? 14. Are you a fashion victim? 77 B- Questions about LEADERS AND CELEBRITIES. 1. What are the qualities of a good leader? 2. Would you consider Pope Francis a world leader? 3. Do you admire someone in particular? Why? 4. What do you think of young celebrities? Mention advantages and disadvantages of being famous. 5. Would you like to be famous? Why? 6. Are famous people happy? 7. Who is your favourite singer? Describe him/her. Refer to his/her life, career, albums and awards. 8. Which celebrity would you like to meet? What would you do if you could spend a day with this person? 9. Do you think famous people have the right to have a private life? 10. Do you think it's moral to sell your private life to the media? 11. Do you think there is a relationship between beauty and being a celebrity? ORAL EXAM C- Questions about TRAVELLING AND PLACES. 1. How often do you travel? 2. What type of holiday do you prefer? Why? 3. What do you like doing when you go on holidays? 4. What do you consider when planning your holidays? 5. What is the best and worst thing about travelling to a new country? 6. Where do you prefer to stay when you go on vacation? 7. Where are you going for your next trip? 8. Where are the best places to go on vacation in your country? 9. Would you like to go on a package tour? Why/Why not? Which type of accommodation would be more suitable for you? 10. Can you describe your last holidays? Where did you go? How did you travel? Who did you go with? 11. What city would you like to visit? Why? 12. What is the longest trip you’ve taken? 78 D- Questions about STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. 1. Has something embarrassing ever happened to you? Tell your anecdote. 2. Have you ever seen a ghost or had some sort of paranormal experience? 3. Do you like horror movies? Yes/no? Why? 4. When was the last time you watched a horror movie? 5. There are many ways to experience a story. For example: book, movie, TV show, spoken, radio, podcast, video game. What is your favorite way to experience a story? 6. Do you believe in aliens or not. Why/Why not? 7. Do you believe in UFO stories? 8. What do you know about “The Maury Island” incident? Give details of the mysterious incident. 9. Tell me about Anne Frank’s life. What would you do if you were in the same situation? 10. What do you know about Walt Disney? ORAL EXAM 1. What is the story about? Tell the story in your own words. Retell the most important events in the story from beginning, middle and end. 2. What´s the theme of the story? 3. Which are the main characters of the story? 4. What´s the final message or teaching of the story? 5. Which character do you feel identified with? 6. If you were in the story, what would you do? 7. Describe the characters of the story. 8. Describe your favourite character. 9. Is there a problem in this story? If so, how does the problem get solved? How would you have solved the problem? 10. If you could change the ending of the story, what would it be? E- Questions about EXTRA READINGS. 79 80 A n n e F r a n k Anne Frank was a young Jewish German girl who gained international fame after her death following the publication of her diary. She wrote about her life, thoughts and experiences of hiding from the Nazis in World War II. Her account of her two years spent in an attic in Amsterdam became an international best seller. She died aged 15 in a German concentration camp. Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Germany. Her father was a German officer from World War I. Anne was a very studious and diligent student who had a passion for books. She moved to Amsterdam with her family after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. She attended a Montessori school and was a very energetic and outgoing girl. In June 1942, Anne received a notebook for her thirteenth birthday. She decided to use it as a diary and wrote about her dreams to become an actress. In July, she and her family were ordered to go to a work camp. Instead, they hid in the attic of her father’s workplace. They shared the small space with another family for two years. In August 1944, German security police discovered the hideout and arrested its occupants. Anne was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne died in March 1945 and was buried in a mass grave, the whereabouts of which is still unknown. Her diary was found and given to her father. It is one of the most widely read books in the world today. Unit 1 Extensive Reading 81 A Dream Town Portsmouth, New Hampshire Unit 2 Extensive Reading Portsmouth, N.H., a city of roughly 21,000 people, sits near the mouth of the Piscataqua River, a short, wide river that divides New Hampshire and Maine. The city also is at the hub of a metropolitan region that includes the cities of Rochester and Dover, N.H., and many towns – Exeter, Hampton, Greenland, Stratham, Newington, and Rye, N.H.; Kittery, Eliot, South Berwick and York, Maine; and others. Settled in 1623, Portsmouth claims to be the nation's third-oldest city. It served as a focal point on the Eastern seaboard until the late 1800s when rail travel did in the shipping industry. John Paul Jones' ship The Ranger was built in Portsmouth, and the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (which lies across the river in Maine) was established in 1800 as the country's first Naval shipyard. The geographic location, historic past and cultural strength of Portsmouth regularly lands it on various "best places to live" lists. Prevention Magazine named Portsmouth one of the top 100 walking cities in the America for 2008. Also in 2008, the National Trust for Historic Preservation named Portsmouth to its list of America's Dozen Distinctive Destinations, calling the city "one of the most culturally rich destinations in the country "with a stimulating mix of historic buildings, sidewalk cafes, great restaurants, art galleries, jazz clubs and distinctive artisans' boutiques." In 2009, Forbes Traveler listed Portsmouth as one of America's Prettiest Towns. The region as whole is noted for its many restaurants, attractions and shopping opportunities, which include downtown Portsmouth, outlet malls Kittery, Maine, as well as major malls in Newington, New Hampshire. (Extracted from: http://www.portsmouthnh.com/visitors/) 82 The Elephant Written by Lynne Hand Unit 3 Extensive Reading Once upon a time, in a village far away, there lived six blind men. One day the villagers were very excited, and when they asked what was happening they told them, "Hey, there is an elephant in the village today!" They had no idea what an elephant was, and so they decided, "Even though we will not be able to see it, we can feel it. Let's go." So, they all went to where the elephant was, and each of them touched it: "Hey, the elephant is a pillar," said the first man, touching its leg. "Oh, no! it is like a rope," said the second man, who was touching the tail. "Oh, no! it is like the branch of a tree," said the third man, touching the tusk of the elephant. "It is like a big hand fan" said the fourth man, who was touching its ear. "It is like a huge wall," said the fifth man, touching the side of the elephant. "It is like a pipe," said the sixth man, touching the trunk of the elephant. They began to argue about what the elephant was like, and each of them insisted that he was right. They were getting angry, and fists were about to fly, when a wise man, who had come to see the elephant asked what the matter was. They replied, "We cannot agree what this elephant looks like," and each of them told the wise man what he thought the elephant was like. The wise man smiled and calmly explained to them, "You are all correct. The reason that each of you experienced it differently is because you touched a different part of the elephant. Actually the elephant has all these features: Its legs are like pillars, its tail is like a rope, its tusks are like the branches of a tree, its ears are like a fan, and it has a trunk, that is just is like a pipe. "Oh!" the blind men said, and there was no more fighting. They felt happy that they had all been right. The moral of this story is that even if you don't agree with someone, there may be some truth to what they say. Sometimes we can see that truth and sometimes we can't, because they have a different perspective to us, but rather than arguing like the blind men, we should realise that they have their own experiences that make them think this way. If we can accept this, we are much less likely to get into violent arguments. 83 84