Now showing items 25-35 of 35

    • Licentia : a tool for supporting users in data licensing on the web of data 

      Cardellino, Cristian Adrián; Villata, Serena; Gordon, Fabien; Governatori, Guido; Lam, Ho-Pun; Rotondo, Antonino (2014)
      Associating a license to data is a fundamental task when publishing data on the Web. However, in many cases data producers and publishers are not legal experts, and they usually have only a basic knowledge about the possible ...
    • Lightning activity in the Southern Coast of Chile 

      Nicora, M. Gabriela; Garreaud, René D.; Bürgesser, Rodrigo E.; Ávila, Eldo E.; Quel, Eduardo J. (2014)
      Based on eight years of lightning data (from January 2005 to December 2012) from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) we describe the spatial distribution and temporal variability of lightning activity over ...
    • Longitudinal gradient-coil with improved uniformity within the volume of interest 

      Domínguez, Gabriela Alejandra; Romero, Agustín; Anoardo, Esteban (2014)
      We present a longitudinal magnetic fieldgradient-coil with optimized uniformity within the volume ofinterest (VOI). The accuracy of the optimization algorithm wasconfronted with measurements of the spatial dependence of ...
    • Mining human interactions to construct a virtual guide for a virtual fair 

      Luna, Andrés Ignacio; Benotti, Luciana (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014)
      In this paper we describe how we mine interactions between a human guide and a human visitor to build a virtual guide. A virtual guide is an agent capable of fulfilling the role of a human guide. Its goal is to guide ...
    • A Natural Language Instructor for pedestrian navigation based in generation by selection 

      Avalos Ambroggio, Santiago Eugenio; Benotti, Luciana (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014)
      In this paper we describe a method for developing a virtual instructor for pedestrian navigation based on real interactions between a human instructor and a human pedestrian. A virtual instructor is an agent capable ...
    • New geometries for the characterization of dark matter phenomena 

      Moreschi, Osvaldo Mario; Boero, Ezequiel Fernando; Gallo, Emanuel (2014)
      We present some new geometries with spheroidal symmetry, with and without mass, that involve new kind of energy momentum tensors, and which are suitable for the description of dark matter phenomena.
    • Pd/Ti electrocatalysts intechnological significance reactions 

      Aguirre, María del Carmen; Fuentes, A. S.; Filippin, F. A. (2014)
      Nuestro objetivo es presentar sistemas, tecnológicamente importantes, que operen como futuros electrocatalizadores en la detección de contaminantes o en celdas de combustible. Así, nanoelectrodos de Pd/Ti, se aplican ...
    • Un proyecto basado en educación matemática crítica para prevenir contaminación por falta de red cloacal 

      Magallanes, Adriana Noemí; Esteley, Cristina Beatriz; Lopez, Susana; Colaneri, Darío (2014)
      En este trabajo se reflexiona a partir de una experiencia áulica con un proyecto pedagógico que, atendiendo a una Educación Matemática Crítica, busca generar un auténtico escenario de investigación. El proyecto se ejecuta ...
    • Sistema de realidad acústica virtual en tiempo real: AVRS 

      Tommasini, Fabián Carlos; Ramos, O. A.; Ferreyra, S. P.; Guido, R. M. (2014)
      En este trabajo se presenta un sistema experimental dinámico e interactivo de realidad acústica virtual. El sistema, llamado AVRS, es de código abierto, flexible, escalable y modular. Funciona en una computadora estándar ...
    • Structural and magnetic changes induced by electron and ion irradiation on HOPG 

      Ávila, Milagros; Venosta, Lisandro Francisco; Bajales Luna, Noelia; Bercoff, Paula Gabriela (2015)
      In recent decades, many studies reported magnetism in carbon-based materials. This phenomenon was attributed to structural defects within the sample. Many authors showed an increase of magnetization in HOPG (Highly Oriented ...
    • Variación de las propiedades magnéticas y estructurales de nanohilos de Ni en función de su diámetro 

      Meneses, Fernando; Bercoff, Paula Gabriela (2014)
      Se estudiaron las propiedades de histéresis magnética de arreglos ordenados de nanohilos de Ni, electrodepositados éstos en una membrana de alúmina con un arreglo hexagonal de poros cilíndricos. Se analizó el efecto de la ...