Now showing items 33-35 of 35

    • Recent developments in GEANT 4 

      Allison, J.; Amako, K.; Apostolakis, J.; Arce, P.; Depaola, Gerardo Osvaldo (2016)
      GEANT4 is a software toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. It is used by a large number of experiments and projects in a variety of application domains, including high energy physics, ...
    • Spectra of lens spaces from 1-norm spectra of congruence lattices 

      Lauret, Emilio Agustín; Miatello, Roberto Jorge; Rossetti, Juan Pablo (2016)
      To every n-dimensional lens space L, we associate a congruence lattice L in Zm, with n = 2m−1 and we prove a formula relating the multiplicities of Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues on L with the number of lattice elements of a ...
    • Structure of the Ru, Ag and Te L X-ray emission spectra 

      Rodríguez Cabello, Tabatha Pamela; Sepúlveda Peñaloza, Andrés Humberto; Carreras, Alejo Cristian; Castellano, Gustavo Eugenio; Trincavelli, Jorge Carlos (2016)
      The emission of X-rays in atomic transitions from L-shell vacancy states of Ru, Ag and Te induced by electron incidence was studied. To this end, L X-ray spectra were measured with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer, and ...