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dc.contributor.advisorPlacci, Graciela
dc.contributor.authorNadalig, Raquel Susana
dc.descriptionMaestría en Inglés con orientación en Lingüística Aplicada
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation has been conceived from the recognition of the impact that affective factors (emotions and beliefs among them) have on teachers and students in their processes of teaching and learning a foreign language. It aims at elucidating how certain affective factors, namely anxiety, motivation and self-concept, influence students‟ and teachers‟ interactions in an Argentinean EFL secondary school context. The bibliographic review revisits literature related to EFL students‟ affective factors as well as research on interactions between students‟ and teachers‟ emotions and beliefs. The participants of this study were 61 EFL teachers and 1522 secondary school students in 5th year from secondary schools in Rio Cuarto City and nearest towns. The study was framed on the Positive Psychology (PP) theory (Seligman, 2011) and followed a mix-method approach: it combined a quantitative strategy of collecting a large amount of data through a likert-scale survey and a cross-case analysis technique (Patton, 1990) to compare and contrast teachers‟ and students‟ perspectives. Data from the likert-scale survey was analyzed quantitatively using a statistical program for the social studies (SPSS). For qualitative content analysis, Oxford‟s (2014) adaptation of the PERMA model was used. Results showed the existence of certain gaps between teachers and students in relation to students‟ anxiety and self-concept; and both similarities and differences in relation to motivation. Accordingly, both groups referred to different sources of students‟ anxiety and motivation and referred to self-concept from their own particular perspectives. The contemplation of beliefs and affective factors as a key aspect of the whole language acquisition picture appears as an imperative call in order to improve the classroom atmosphere which, in turn, may lead not only to academic success but also to the wellbeing of both parts involved in the process: teachers and
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectEnseñanza de Lenguas Extranjerases
dc.subjectInglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE)es
dc.subjectArgentinean EFL secondary schooles
dc.subjectEFL students‟es
dc.titleAffective factors in the teaching and learning of English at Argentinean secondary schoolses
dc.description.filFil: Nadalig, Raquel Susana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas,

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